5 reasons, so many repeat what a politician tells them!

How many times, have you heard or read, etc., some people articulate a position, based more than on personal research, facts and / or simply on the search for facts, political rhetoric, etc., some politician, proclaimed? Although most polls, the state, the public, hold most politicians in low esteem, especially when it comes to being honest / honorable, many believe, have never seen, such a degree from any politician, degree of lies, etc., like the 45th President of the United States! However, what might be the most concerning aspect is that despite this, in this recent election, more than 74 million people voted to re-elect Donald Trump – despite this! Why do so many simply repeat what the current president proclaims, without checking the facts? With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss 5 possible reasons and / or explanations for this to happen.

1. Brain washed; gullible: Are these people brainwashed and / or gullible, or do they just want it to be, because they perceive things, in a specific way, that they feel can be personally beneficial? Given that, political fact-checkers, state, Trump has told more lies, and more often, than any of his predecessors, in recent memory, doesn’t it seem strange that his main supporters don’t care, etc.?

2. Supports your personal / political agenda: Too many seem to be unconcerned with the facts when, they believe, the personal / political agenda of a specific politician best serves their own interests! When the lie becomes acceptable and the agenda of an individual trumps that of the public, the nation and the citizens, become the losers!

3. Hate / prejudice / bigotry: The level of hate crimes is, or is close to, the highest in recent memory. When the president claims white supremacists etc. are good people, and equates them with those who protest to protect a certain freedom, etc., and so many, still support it and, either they don’t care, or, I don’t know, they are lying to them – a, it seems that hatred, prejudice and intolerance may be the cause!

Four. Simplist / populist / lazy: Common sense must tell us, the opinions of professionals and experts, in the areas of public health, climate change and environmental protection, must be considered, more important than rhetoric and instinct – feelings, of a call, steady temper! Is this because, they are being simplistic, they believe in populist rhetoric, or are they too lazy to focus on the best way forward?

5. They really want to believe: Wanting to believe and hope that things will be, in a certain way, despite reality, or considering options and alternatives, rarely achieves the best possible results.

We are living in unsettling and uncertain times, made worse, even worse, by the level of polarization in this nation! Only when people seek the highest good and a meeting of minds will we become the best that we can be!

Author: admin

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