Changing our labels! Eliminating limiting beliefs that no longer serve us

As we go through our life experiences, the people we interact with define us. Our parents, our friends, our teachers, our authority figures, and anyone we communicate with begin to place us on personal, social, economic, religious, and sexual classifications, labels, and stereotypes. As human beings, there seems to be a need to define and classify every person, place, and thing around us.

Through words, implications and actions, our subconscious mind begins to form and create

an image of who we think we are. Everything that we believe to be true about ourselves begins to manifest in the illusion of the ego self. An illusion that we are separate from each other. An illusion that we are different.

They label us rich, poor, smart, stupid, good, bad, ugly, beautiful, not good enough, a success, a failure, etc. The ego begins to pick up these labels and reinforces the disillusionment of separation. We believe that we are what we are told we are. We begin to tell others what we think they are. We label others as we see fit in the exact way we were labeled. In turn, these limited beliefs that are imposed on us take away our power to really be who we are. A being of unlimited potential.

Where do these limiting beliefs and negativity originate? How do we as a society create such binding structures within our society that prevent us from realizing our true potential? What can we do as a collective consciousness to cleanse and eliminate negative structures within our minds?

What matters now is working together with those in your life and beginning to understand each other better by being more in tune with the way we relate. We can dissolve old communication structures that no longer benefit us through compassion and understanding. With these virtues we can begin to allow our collective consciousness to ascend and evolve to a higher state of being. We can release our past, both individually and collectively as a planet, and begin to create a future of peace and harmony in our relationships.

Take a moment and become aware of the energy we share. The energy that we send ourselves daily. We are in a state of continuous communication with each other. We send each other physical signals, send electrical or energy signals, and communicate verbally every day. When we say “I love you”, “I am mad at you”, “You are stupid, lazy, overweight, etc.”, we evoke energy and emotion in the recipient. Even without verbal communication, we send a feeling or vibration to others. When we get angry, happy, sad, or loving someone, we subconsciously convey that feeling to them. We don’t need words to tell someone that we don’t love them. And vice versa. And intuitively know when someone likes us.

We can feel it and feel it. What we feel for someone manifests itself throughout our interactions. True feelings and thoughts tend to “leak out” subconsciously. If someone is mad at you and you ask “What’s wrong?” they may respond by saying “I’m fine”, but the look they give you shows their anger. We’ve all experienced someone give us a bad vibe, even if they “seem” nice! The feeling we have in our guts is not congruent with the way they are behaving. We tune in to the energy and emotion behind the mask they wear and our system tells us what that person is really feeling.

In essence, we are all sensitive to the vibrations and energies of what others say, think and feel about us. When others say, think, or feel negative things about us, our bodies, minds, and energy systems begin to absorb them like a sponge. Most people who carry a lot of negativity have generally absorbed those thoughts and feelings in the developmental years of their lives through the way they have been raised and treated by others.

When we label people in our minds as rich, poor, smart, stupid, good, bad, ugly, beautiful, not good enough, successful, etc. Even if it is just a thought, the person we are thinking of can feel it, even if only on a subconscious level. We think to ourselves “That person is annoying.” A part of them is really aware of how we feel. In turn, they respond and react to us unconsciously knowing what we are thinking. It becomes a dance of unspoken but understood communication.

Negativity directed at an individual becomes stronger if we begin to use spoken words (even gossip about someone projects negative energy in its own way). Words have the power to harm or heal. Choosing the right words when dealing with people on a daily basis is important, as one word, positive or negative, can stick with someone for life.

And personally I have seen many people throughout my life make others feel stupid or diminished simply by the way they treat them, without ever having to say a word. Small actions like raising an eyebrow, wrinkling the forehead, holding the chin, or turning around can say a lot. Gestures tend to be windows of the emotions we are feeling. And our subconscious mind picks up the subtle meanings within the bodily movements of others and the way they behave. Even if the lips lie, the body always tells the truth.

Once we begin to realize these truths, we can begin to practice mindfulness more in the way we think, speak, and interact with others, individually and collectively. If we don’t like someone, being indifferent or neutral towards them nullifies the negativity within our minds while preventing negative energy from being transmitted to them. Of course, ultimately, it is more powerful to send them compassion, forgiveness, and, yes, even love! Continuing to think negatively of someone only creates more negativity. And if you can’t think of anything nice to say about someone, how about you don’t think of them at all? (Moms everywhere were right!)

We can begin to become aware of the negative words that we use and eliminate them from our vocabulary that are designed to diminish others and begin to use words that are respectful and empowering.

By integrating behaviors like the above into our daily routines, we can end the transmission of negativity and begin to become a source of positive energy. Can you imagine what would happen if only half of the world’s population started treating each other with this respect?

By ourselves, we can become aware of the labels that we carry with us on a daily basis. There may be good labels. Negative labels are likely to keep you from moving forward in your life. Almost everyone I know has at least one negative label that they carry around like old luggage. Write your labels. Take a good look at what you believe about yourself.

Now, looking at the labels, as you read them, begin to notice the feelings that arise. The emotions that arise. The thoughts they evoke.

And realize that these labels are what you have been implied to be. They are not the real you!

They are all the result of what they told you, what they did to you, and the way others made you feel. At one point, you made a subconscious decision to accept, wear down, and represent the labels you were given. Even good labels are usually there because we feel good about something we achieve. We accept both the good and the bad. And we believe this is who we are.

The truth is that we carry all possible labels within each one of us. We can all be smart, we can all make mistakes and feel stupid at times, we can be beautiful or we can be ugly, we can be motivated or we can be lazy, we can be a success or a failure. All these labels have always been there within us, waiting for a situation to arise that makes them surface. We can learn from these labels because they are simply part of us. We can learn the lesson we learned from being angry, unsuccessful, sad, etc. and start deciding to use another label, another facet of who we are.

Because we have all the labels, we have unlimited potential within us. We can begin to make a conscious decision to only use the labels that are valid for us at the moment we are in and we can choose to be any label at any time. We can remove the labels that are no longer applicable to us and put them away in the trash!

Knowing that you have a choice as to who you are, what labels will you choose to use today?

A consultant hypnotherapist, hypnotist, or NLP practitioner can help you remove limiting labels and beliefs. If there is a tag that is heavily embedded in your subconscious mind, I would recommend finding a local hypnotist in your area for a consultation to see if hypnosis can help.

Author: admin

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