How to catch a rabbit in my house: 3 cool tricks that worked

If you have a pet rabbit and he doesn’t like being picked up, then you know how difficult it can be to catch him. He sure knows that you want to bring him back to his cage, like last time. Rabbits are very intelligent and, if they have the pleasure of having the whole house to themselves, it is sometimes difficult to catch them. I found 3 tricks on how to catch a rabbit in my house. They all worked for me with, of course, a little patience.

Attracts the rabbit: Instead of trying to chase the rabbit around the house, try luring it in with something you know it can’t resist, like a fruit or carrot. Then when he comes to eat it, let him eat some of the treat and carefully pick it up.

Make him jump in his box: Some rabbits don’t like being picked up at all. By doing so, we can even harm them if they fight well. So instead, present the rabbit his litter box with a great gift that he loves inside. Sit back and watch. Eventually he will jump into his litter box and eat the treat. Then you can pick up the box with the rabbit inside and take it wherever you want.

Make an easy entry to the cage: If your cage only has a top opening, it will be more difficult to teach your rabbit to go back inside on its own. Make it a side door and bring it inside by placing a large treat back in the cage. By placing the cage in a room where you can put a door at the entrance, your rabbit will not be able to run throughout the house.

Sometimes people think that putting the rabbit in its cage as punishment worked. But that will only teach him to hate his cage, when it should be his home. If you do that, he will never want to go back to his cage on his own, so keep that in mind. Also, if you are wondering how to catch a rabbit in my house, try to handle it at other times than when you want it to return to its cage.

Author: admin

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