Manx Cat Behavior: What You Need To Know About Manx Cats

The behavior of the Manx cat is different from most other cats. Some people call them the dogs of the cat world, because they are very loyal and will even play with you.

A Manx cat has a very unique appearance. The main feature of him is a very short tail. These cats have a natural mutation of the spine. This causes these cats to frequently experience arthritis in the back due to missing vertebrae, in severe cases it can be so debilitating that the cat must be euthanized.

Manx cats are known to be great hunters and are often used by farmers to solve rodent problems. These cats have also been known to take down prey that is larger than themselves.

Manx cats are very slow to mature, with some of them not reaching full physical maturity until they are around five years old.

Also because of the long hind legs, they tend to jump instead of the softer gate most cats have, which can help them be better hunters.

In general, these cats are very playful and affectionate. They make household pets very unique and are almost always the center of conversation. If you decide you want one of these cats, be sure to wait until they are at least four months old to adopt them. Once the cat is four months old, you will be able to tell if he has any problematic genetic conditions. Also make sure you buy your cat only from a reputable breeder.

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