Muscle confusion myth or fact: how does muscle confusion work?

How does muscle confusion work? Does this style of training magically deliver the benefits when your gains start to dry up, or is muscle confusion no more real than The Tooth Fairy?

Myth or reality of muscle confusion?

People are confused. Why? Muscle magazines have you believe that muscle confusion is a secret muscle builder and an instant jailbreak card when your workout or routine starts to ‘stagnate’ …

So what is muscle confusion and how does it work?

Muscle confusion suggests that muscle development is reduced when the same routine is maintained for an extended period of time, necessitating a routine change to safeguard any future benefits.

But is this Really certain?

Hmm … let me answer that with a story …

Bodybuilding Sciences

I started my current routine over 2 years ago. Since then, I have used the same training with no changes and have seen consistent results. Also, I have yet to stagnate, stabilize or regress, and I hope to continue making the same uninterrupted gains.

How is this possible?

Simply put, muscle confusion is not the miracle worker it claims to be!

If your goal is to build muscle, then you must follow proven scientific principles, which state:

Exercise + Nutrition + Recovery = Muscle Gains

These same proven scientific principles were embraced by muscular men of yore, including Paul Anderson; Doug Hepburn; Marvin Eder; and Eugene Sandow, four of the strongest men to ever walk the planet …

You couldn’t wish to see a better roll call!

So why the confusion?

Myth or Mystery

This myth persists because the typical learner exercises too much, doesn’t eat properly, or doesn’t get enough quality rest. These 3 elements of muscle building must be in place, or the typical learner will have a hard time seeing significant results, as muscle building is a delicate balancing act in which each part depends on the other.

Get this balancing act right though, and any win is guaranteed …

In fact, the same unchanged routine, when applied scientifically, will often yield spectacular results.

In summary

While it is valuable to replace one proven mass-building exercise with another, muscle building will only occur when you consistently add weight to your exercises and supplement your routine with the necessary nutrition and rest.

Muscle confusion will never magically trick your body into building bigger muscles, just like the Tooth Fairy will not. Really slip any silver under your pillow!

Instead, focus on what works and you will never get ‘confused’.

Author: admin

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