10 signs that you should leave your boyfriend

Breaking up is hard. But sometimes it is necessary.

When you are in a relationship where your needs are not met. Where your happiness is not being considered. Where you feel that you are not important to your partner. These are signs that your relationship has changed course and it may be time to go. But don’t try to be a miracle worker. Some things cannot be fixed. Learn about some of the signs of a broken relationship. Recognize them when they appear. And learn when to let go and move on.

Here are 10 signs that it may be time to dump your boyfriend:

1. He is insensitive and ignores your feelings.

Does he ignore or avoid you when you’re having an emotional breakdown and you know you’re not a drama queen? When you try to talk to him about problems he may be having, does he disconnect from you, turn on the TV, or go into another room? Do you need to turn to others for comfort when you are sad or depressed?

If he lacks empathy for you and shows no concern for your emotional and mental well-being, chances are he simply doesn’t care. Now I know that some men try to comfort you in their own way, which is usually not very helpful, but at least they try. If he doesn’t even try, why stay with him? Find someone to be your shoulder to cry on or your cheer squad when you need it.

2. It’s starting to wear off.

Where had he gone? You talk to him on the phone and he seems to have time for his family, friends, hobbies and everything under the sun, but not you. An important part of growing a healthy relationship is spending time together.

If you live close to each other and he can’t take the time to see you, you’re not a priority. If he knows that spending time with you is important to you and he still hasn’t come, why are you still waiting for him? He’s obviously enjoying his life, it’s time you start enjoying yours.

3. He’s on a mission… A secret mission.

Are you being sneaky? Have you started to lock down your cell phone and computer? Has he started sending calls to voicemail when you’re around or goes to another room to send texts? Has he stopped telling you the things he’s been doing? Something is happening. He’s up to no good.

Don’t wait for the drama to unfold. If you get warning signs, don’t ignore them. The foundation of a good relationship is trust and if you can’t trust him, why stay with him?

4. He is suddenly celibate.

For most couples, sex lessens as their relationship matures. But it doesn’t stop dead. If there is a reason for your sexual dysfunction, fine. If you didn’t have much of a sex life to begin with, then this isn’t a problem. But if they were a happy, horny couple and now they might as well be in separate beds, then there’s a problem.

If he has no desire to have sex with you, that’s a definite sign that your relationship is in trouble.

5. You want to be in control.

Who is in charge of your life? Do you need to know where you are, who you are with and what you are doing? Do you check your phone, your email, your Facebook account? Does he try to control other aspects of your life? What are you doing? What you eat? What do you see?

If he doesn’t let you be who you want to be, then he doesn’t love you for who you are. If he needs to control you, then he doesn’t trust you. You have to get away from him before you lose all sense of self-esteem. The only person who should be in control of your life is you. Leave this control freak and find someone who trusts you and respects your right to be yourself.

6. He’s pissing you off… on purpose.

Most men do things that their girlfriends find irritating. But most of these things are habits, and we all know how hard habits are to break. But your boyfriend should not go out of his way to annoy you. Does he seem to want to make you angry, provoke an argument?

Do your fights usually end when he leaves or threatens to break up with you? Does he seem more interested in your reaction than the actual conflict? Do you really want to get involved with a self-absorbed drama queen? Don’t keep waiting for her to grow up. Leave him and find a man who wants to show you love, not drama.

7. You can’t stand it.

Sometimes you just stop feeling the spark. You’ll know when it happens. When you stop wanting to see him. I don’t want to spend time with him. She was afraid that she would have to listen to his voice on the phone. When there’s no chemistry, the time you spend with your boyfriend gets you down.

Ending this relationship is hard, especially if he’s a nice guy. But you have to do the best. It is the best for you because you will end the relationship before things get really bad. It’s also the best for him because it allows him to find someone with whom he has chemistry. So don’t force yourself to feel something that isn’t there. You’re wasting your time and his.

8. You are not happy.

A relationship isn’t all rainbows, sun and lollipops, but it shouldn’t be torture either. Your relationship should not be a source of sadness. You shouldn’t feel trapped. You must not feel empty. If you experience joy in other aspects of your life, but your relationship is getting you down, it’s time to move on.

You need to be strong. Get support. Find someone you can talk to, a friend, a family member, a counselor. Find someone who can help you figure out what you want and what you need. Remember that you are the only person who is in control of your happiness.

9. He doesn’t commit to you.

Yes, there are men who are afraid of commitment. For many, in time for the right woman, they will arrive. But if the guy you want seems more committed to exploring his options, then he’s not serious about you. Do you want an open relationship? Do you think he needs to continue dating other women?

You are looking for something better. You are temporary. Someone to date until he finds his Mrs. Right. If you’re okay with that, fine. But don’t try to tie it. He doesn’t want to settle down with you. Find someone who does and let it go.

10. He is a loser.

Does he expect you to pay for the dates? Does he come to watch your TV and eat your food? Does he always seem to need to borrow something: food, money, his car? He is a bum. Get rid of this dirty cheap loser. He is using you for what you have.

He doesn’t care about you, just your things and what you can do for him. Cut it out, then get it out of your life. Losing him will not only improve your life by giving you access to better men, but it will also lower your grocery bills.

Not all relationships work. When a relationship ends, it can feel like the death of a close friend. You will feel the loss. But the pain of the breakup is nothing compared to the pain you will experience if you stay in a bad relationship. Don’t stay with the hope that it will improve. Don’t think you can change it. If I wanted to change, I would. If it doesn’t, there’s nothing you can do about it. If he doesn’t like you or if he doesn’t want to be with you, there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t change someone else. So stop trying.

No one should be miserable just for the sake of being with someone. No matter who you are, there is someone out there who is perfect for you. There is someone out there who will love you as you are and for who you are. And as long as you’re in this relationship, you’ll never find him. So when these signs are constantly thrown in your face. Recognize them for what they are. Signs that you need to make a change, move on. Get rid of Mr. Wrong and find your Mr. Right.

Author: admin

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