5 clear threats to our political elections!

Many Americans have reached the stage where they have either lost faith in our elections and/or systems, or no longer believe, it makes a lot of difference who they vote for! We should be worried, because the so-called hallmark of our democracy is our expectation of free and fair elections, etc.! We already experience comparatively low voter turnout almost constantly compared to most other nations, but for various reasons we seem to be at a point in time when it is increasingly clear threat, to our political elections, and system of government! With that in mind, this article will try, briefly, to consider, examine, review and discuss, 5 clear threats, and why, they are concerning and a threat to the sustainability of our form of government, etc.

one. Casting doubts on the impartiality of the elections: Our system already has many checks and balances built in that serve to protect the sanctity of an election! In most cases, when a candidate wins, by a small predetermined margin/percentage, an automatic recount is triggered, etc. In addition, any candidate can appeal, before the Courts, if he proves any misconduct, etc! Yet Donald Trump took this to an unheard of level, constantly questioning, blaming, complaining and declaring, his political opponents, he stole the election (without any proof at all) and apparently inspiring and allowing some of his opponents! its main supporters buy this conspiracy theory! It has gotten to the point where some are complaining and arguing every time the results weren’t what they wanted/desired! What creates that perception, in the future?

two. To think that our vote does not matter at all!: Due to the peculiarity of a system where a candidate does not need to win the popular vote, but rather, and apparently unbalanced, the Electoral College! This creates a system where some voters in smaller states therefore have disproportionate power, and their vote counts, more than those in larger states! When, at least twice, in this century, the individual, with the fewest popular votes, was elected President, it is not surprising, many perceive it, their vote for him counts for very little, etc!

3. Voting apathy/low turnout: When one party consistently wins, when there’s a larger turnout, and the other thrives, with a lower turnout, and our Congress seems so dysfunctional, accomplishing little that benefits the majority of citizens, many just don’t they vote. , because they have been turned off, by the system/process, or believe, the vote doesn’t matter, anyway!

Four. Extreme Partisan Politics/ No Attempt to Put Minds Together: In recent memory, we have not witnessed such an extreme degree of partisan politics, with so little attempt, to bring about any meeting of minds, for the greater good! When, even in backward legislation, addressing infrastructure needs and priorities, it seems that we are close to a system that is broken, or worse!

5. Match opinions with facts: Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own set of facts! We have apparently reached a point where many are equating their personal opinions and personal interests with actual facts. We should have realized the danger, when a former communications director for President Trump referred to Trump’s false fact (or lies) simply as, Alternative Facts!

Wake up, America, and demand relevant and sustainable changes/adaptations, which are necessary to preserve our democracy! Don’t complain later, if you don’t say anything, now!

Author: admin

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