64 Ways Volleyball Players Know They’re Addicted

“You know you play volleyball when…” –Any volleyball player.

This is a compilation from various sources on when you know you play volleyball.


1. You think everyone should have to wear spandex.

2. When someone says “fuck”, the first thing you think of is volleyball.

3. When you’re taller than most of your class. Or when you’re not, and people wonder how you play volleyball when you’re not 6’11.

4. When the words “outside,” “midfield,” and “right/weak side” mean the world to you.

5. When you realize your thighs don’t fit in your jeans anymore.

6. You could probably beat anyone in wall squats.

7. When a ball is thrown at your face, you set it, pass it or hit it. Or you wave your arms spasmodically.

8. You know what a libero is/does.

9. He has more than one pair of knee pads.

10. You get angry when someone says that volleyball is not a difficult sport.

11. You have at least one T-shirt that has the word “volleyball,” “hit,” or a picture of a volleyball on it.

12. You know how to record yourself.

13. You know why anklets are a must.

14. You have injuries to your knees, elbows, ankles, neck, shoulders, back, head, etc.

15. You have perfected the drawing of a volleyball ball.

16. You have tried to get into a basketball hoop. And it’s a lot easier than throwing a ball into a basketball hoop.

17. You know that a pancake is more than something to eat.

18. You think that television should show more volleyball than any other sport.

19. You’ve been asked why volleyball players wear spandex.

20. You know your vertical and always expect it to somehow increase.

21. At least one ball has hit you in the face.

22. You have been to a volleyball camp. Many times.

23. You know who Misty May is.

24. You know a marker like the back of your hand.

25. You have to admit that you like those “ACE!” health.

26. Whenever you see a volleyball, you have to touch it.

27. At some point in your life, you have had knee problems.

28. You know what those “other” rows at the gym are.

29. You don’t dribble the balls, you hit them with the palm of your hand.

30. You have a pair of “volleyball” shoes.

31. You know what a 4-2, a 6-2 and a 5-1 is.

32. You have muscles where you didn’t think muscles existed.

33. You are not afraid of falling.

34. You’ve seen the movie “All You’ve Got” and wanted to write to the director about how bad it was.

35. You see tall people and think “he/she would make a great volleyball player.”

36. When you know you have to shave your armpits before a game… and it disgusts you when the blockers on the other team forget to do it.

37. You waste a lot of gas driving to tournaments.

38. You are/have been in a volleyball club.

39. You can’t really run… but you sure can run.

40. You laugh when you see other people trying to play volleyball.

41. You get very angry when someone kicks a volleyball.

42. Volleyball is more important than anything else you have to do.

43. You have permanent burn marks on the floor.

44. You’ve wanted to hit your coach at some point. AND/OR your coach has wanted to slap you at some point.

45. Two words: DOWN.

46. ​​You know what “sideout” means. Or you don’t, but you yell it anyway.

47. You think it’s normal to get balls deliberately hit in the face.

48. When going for a hit, you have at least completely missed the ball once in your life.

49. You have run into a wall, post, person, stands… many times.

50. Gymnastics volleyball (or physical education) is not volleyball. You end up yelling at everyone because they’re doing it wrong.

51. You can put your hand in a volleyball net and tell someone how close it is to the height it’s supposed to be.

52. You’ve tried to pass or set a basketball and failed miserably.

53. Your knees stink after a game.

54. When spandex/leggings came into fashion, you said, “I’ve been wearing them all this time.”

55. Why is there an NBA, NFL, NHL, but not the NVL?

56. There’s always one person on the opposing team you want to slap.

57. You hate that metal hair clips and accessories are banned. Wearing such a fashionable elastic headband is no fun. And they escape in the middle of intense rallies.

58. You choose wedges publicly.

59. You never “get up.” Your wheel.

60. You can easily remember the sound of skin sliding against a freshly waxed court. And it still makes you shake.

61. You caught the ball in the middle of an intense exchange because you thought the referee blew his whistle… and you realized the whistle was coming from the next court.

62. You try to intimidate the other team during warm-ups.

63. You’ve spent at least half an entire game pulling down your tiny spandex because they ride up so much.

64. You use pre-bandages (in a variety of colors) more on your hair than on your injuries.

And remember, hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

Author: admin

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