7 Real Estate Marketing Tools You Should Be Using Right Now

Real Estate Marketing Tools – Traditional

In addition to the well-known bandit signs and billboards, there are many other traditional real estate marketing tools that still work for many professionals in the industry. While online real estate marketing still generates the majority of real estate sales and leads, it’s foolish to ignore other avenues that still generate customers and income for some of the world’s most prolific real estate agents and companies.

7 Offline Real Estate Marketing Tools You Should Be Using

To help you get a better idea of ​​what offline real estate marketing tools are working in this online marketing-driven climate, I’ve rounded up some of the most effective offline real estate tools for you:

1. Host a running event. This will help you engage with people in your industry on the issues that matter most. This is a great way to stay tuned and possibly get ideas for your blog, fill in the gaps in your marketing strategies, and even strike a deal with colleagues who may find the clients you need, but aren’t serving them.

2. Printing media. A classic standard-bearer in offline real estate marketing tools, make sure you only invest in professional designs and print materials. Stick to the basics here: research papers, white papers, product descriptions, brochures, marketing collateral, etc. Whatever gets your message across and keeps screaming it once your customer takes it home and reads it.

3. Support local organizations and charities. From sponsoring a local baseball team to adopting a highway, there are many ways you can give back to the community. Not only will this establish him as a pillar of the community, but his name will be instantly recognizable.

This comes into play when a community member’s friends or family are looking for a real estate person in the area. Guess whose name is on the tip of their tongue? Be sure to be selective and choose organizations that are in line with your message and values.

4. Press releases. The goal here is twofold. First, you want to get informative press releases that establish your real estate agency as the “go to” company in the area. These releases must be timely, well-informed, and address all of the latest topics and breaking news in the area.

This will attract the attention of news and program directors at your local media stations, leading them to contact you for matters where your expertise is needed. These are the types of media appearances that will make your agency a household name, thereby increasing buyer confidence and increasing your sales and referrals.

5. Carrying out Free Real Estate Seminars. Provide speeches intended to show potential real estate investors how to enter the market, or show people how to get the most added resale value on their home. Talk about things that people will benefit from, give them “earn” like “what will they get for attending?” So, deliver on that get. Don’t sell your services, but rather establish authority and be useful; it will be returned to you multiplied by ten.

6. Eye-catching business cards. Business cards can make you stand out or put you down; it’s up to you what name on paper you want to be. For example, single cards are a clever way to attract attention. These look like folded money bills, leading people to at least pick them up and look at them.

When they see your name, they associate putting money in their pocket and are left with a good impression. Leave them in places where people pick them up. Or how about a business card that folds up to form a house? Do you have a plain white business card? That’s perfect for them to write down someone else’s phone number and then throw it away when they’re done. I’m just saying (wink-wink)

7. Vehicle lettering. You drive through your town or city every day, passing hundreds and thousands of people. Why not use your car for free advertising? Wrap your vehicle with the name of your real estate agency or with your name and face. Let people know who you are, wherever you go. It’s a one-time cost and super effective at getting recognized as a person in the community, not just a name on a sign in front of a house.

Of course, the integration of these offline marketing tools with online marketing techniques is the true key to real estate success.

So tell me, what kind of traditional or online real estate marketing tools are you using?

Author: admin

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