Abuse! Victim! – How do you spell?


A = Attack

B = barbarian

U = not invited

S = Surreal

E = wrong

V = violated

me = innocent

C = crushed

T = Taken

I = inconceivable

M = mind altering

I am going to share some unedited facts or rather thoughts that I feel compelled to share. If you’re looking for a positive and upbeat article, you better go now. This article is not going to be the joke you might be hoping for.

Why should I edit, even word my thoughts with respect or standards, when speaking to an abuser? This article is being written on behalf of every victim in this world.

My first thought goes out to those parents who marry someone other than the mommy/daddy of their babies!

Do you take care of your son?

Do you make sure that the man you have fallen in love with, lusted after, or just married for food and shelter is not raping your child?

Do you hear your child screaming at night through nightmares of getting hurt?

Do you care?

If I sound malicious or angry with my thoughts, you’re absolutely right. I am angry, I am angry as hell, I am even prepared to come out and challenge anyone who allows or ignores abuse.

How many of you readers have abused a child?

How many of you readers have wished for a child less than half your age?

How many of you readers have verbally abused your wife?

How many of you readers are currently tabbing another page with pornographic photos of young teenagers?

How many of you readers are yelling at or hitting your child or spouse right now?

How many of you men are sitting in a stripper bar looking at a woman who could be your daughter or even your granddaughter?

How many of you readers are ignoring the fact that your child is on a computer alone with a stranger?

How many of you readers are leaving your child alone with a strange babysitter?

How many of you readers are reducing your child to the lowest level of humiliation?

How many of you readers have taken extreme control of your loved ones to the point that you are afraid to speak up?

I am angry, angry, full of vile contempt for the fact that after all these years and education and what is supposed to be a much smarter world with all this new technology, the world is even more stressed and abused than ever before. .

Yeah, sure we’ve always had pedophiles, abusers, mixed sex, body part marketing, drug dealing, religious and political wars, but damn… when does it stop?

When does the abuser realize that what he is doing to that child is totally WRONG and SICK?

When does the victim realize that it is not their fault?

When does the abuser finally come to live in a prison of pain, fear, loneliness, scars, and hate?

When does the victim come to feel confident and live a normal, healthy and free life?

When does this all end?

The more I educate myself, the angrier I get! I don’t feel smarter, I feel angrier, and I feel ashamed to even be part of this human race.

Victims of abuse don’t get to sleep at night and dream of sweet things…they dream of rape, fear, pain, mistrust, an endless run from an unknown assailant, they even continue to pee in their pants.

Victims of abuse cannot enjoy a healthy sexual life with their partners because the moment they feel they are finding that place of ecstasy, the face of an abuser invades their world and shatters what should be an intimacy between lovers.

Victims of abuse cannot give or accept affectionate hugs the way they are meant to be.

Victims of abuse live a life of low self-esteem, zero self-acceptance, total self-blame, fear, confusion, and even self-hatred.

Victims of abuse cannot have good memories, they cannot place enough good memories in their minds to override their bad memories.

Victims of abuse never forget their abuser or the rape.

Victims of abuse remain victims for many years of their lives, if not their entire lives.

Hate, do I feel anger towards certain humans? I bet yes.

I want every victim in this world who reads this to stand up and hate loud…be angry…scream loud…rebel against the crime that stole their innocence.

DO NOT let this abuse control your life!

Do not allow the abuser that satisfaction.

Get away from him… throw him as far as you can.

Never give the time of day.

Treat him like you would the most disgusting creature, because that’s what abuse is all about…a disgusting creature.

Step on it… kill it… CHOOSE to let it go!

Do the one thing your abuser would and will hate… Throw it away… park it… box it up in the farthest place you can find… dig a hole in the ground and write your name on it and bury it.

YOU are the only one who can stop your inner abuse now>

To all the abusers out there… DAMN TO HELL… BURN!!!


Author: admin

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