Android operating system

The Android operating system is a mobile operating system developed by The Open Source Alliance specifically for the mobile device environment. The Android operating system is similar to the way the iPhone operating system works with widgets and icons on the home screen. A few things that make Android different from iPhone OS is that OSX will only run on an iPhone. While the Android operating system will work on a variety of smartphones made by a variety of manufacturers. The advantage here is that if you don’t like a specific phone and want an Android OS, you can choose a different one from a different manufacturer. Another difference is that you can literally write your own program to run on an Android phone. Where with devices running other operating systems, you can only use what the software vendor approves.

One thing the iPhone and Android share is that both operating systems trace their roots to the old Bell Labs (now AT&T and Verizon due to a forced divestment that happened in the 1980s). It all started with the UNIX operating system. In 1975, the UNIX operating system became available outside of AT&T for educational and research institutions due to a US federal law that prohibited AT&T from selling products due to its unique monopoly status, and as a result it became available at no cost. some. At this stage, Unix found itself splitting into several flavors. Two of which will be covered below.

Fast forward to today, the UNIX platform has evolved through different paths, the two most well known being Mac OS and Linux OS. Mac is a Unix-based operating system that only runs on Apple products and Linux is an open source operating system that will run on just about anything out there. The open source nature of the code makes the code public and anyone who can improve it has the right to do so, as long as they share the changes they made.

One of the biggest partners of the Open Source Alliance in bringing Android to market is Google. All Google servers run on Linux. Many in the IT world will tell you that Linux is far superior to its Windows counterparts when it comes to running servers. The main thing that kept open source software off the market was that it lacked marketing efforts and ease of use. While Apple built its brand, marketing, and ease of use, and for the Linux kernel to gain popularity, it had to be marketed, which is what Google brings to the table, and gain ease of use, which is what the platform brings to the table. android. . The biggest advantage of Android is that you can make it do almost anything you want.

Author: admin

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