Bible trivia questions and answers, Ark of the Covenant, Pillar of Salt and more

Use these Bible Trivia questions and answers to spark conversation in your next Bible study class. Print the questions and distribute them in class. As a group, how many correct answers can you get?

Q1: What was Jesus doing when the Holy Spirit descended on him?
Answer: From the King James Bible, Luke 3:21-22
He was being baptized in the Jordan River.

Q2: What is the name of the female ruler who brought great gifts to Jerusalem on a camel for Solomon?
Answer: from the KJV, 1 Kings 10:1-2
the queen of sheba

Q3: What two animals carried the ark of the covenant to Bethshemet in Israel?
Answer: From the King James Bible 1 Samuel 6:7-9
Two cows, “milch kine” meaning dairy cows.

Q4: Who turned into a pillar of salt?
Answer: from the KJV, Genesis 19:23-26
Lot’s wife.

Q5: What did God create on the fourth day of creation?
Answer: from the King James Bible, Genesis 1:14-19
The sun, the moon and the stars.

Q6: Abel was the first man in the bible to die. Who killed him?
Answer: from the KJV, Genesis 4:8-11
his brother Cain.

Q7: What happened when the fourth angel poured out the fourth vial of God’s wrath on the sun?
Answer: from the King James Bible, Revelation 16:8-9
The angel was given the power to burn men with the fire of the sun.

Q8: Who prayed for wisdom instead of wealth? What did God reward him with?
Answer: from the KJV, 1 Kings 3:9-13
Solomon prayed for wisdom and God gave him wisdom, honor and wealth.

Q9: Who told Mary to name her son Jesus?
Answer: from the KJV, Luke 1:26-31
The Angel Gabriel.

Q10: What was the name of the city that was destroyed by fire from heaven?
Answer: from the King James Bible, Genesis 19:24-25
Sodoma and Gomorra.

Author: admin

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