Bypass the default gift card response

In our busy, everyday world, we are bombarded with images of consumption: shopping for gifts online, giving out gift cards, and searching for that must-have gadget. This is one of the biggest leaders in Christmas gift-giving stress, and with Black Friday approaching in just a few weeks, it’s probably bothering you, too.

Focus on the basics is our advice. Don’t give gifts because you have to give them. Give gifts that reflect how you feel about a person to those who are most important to you, and save gift cards for “gifts of obligation.”

When you focus on a gift-giving guide, think about the tenor of your relationship. Is there a book or movie that you would like to talk about with this person? Then buy the book and include a card to talk to them later. Or buy the DVD of the movie and make a movie date presentation with him.

Does this person have a hobby that they are passionate about? Do you have time to spend 30 minutes on Google to find out more about it? Or even exchange emails with a couple of other people who share the hobby for something special? This highlights the part of gift-giving that really takes work: the research.

Remember also that it is not the element that is important, it is the intention and the circumstances. In this way, it’s often best to give your gift early, say December 20, before your recipient is inundated with packages, and make giving and receiving a quiet, intimate moment.

Similarly, consider gifts that support the person you are supporting. There are, for example, programs that allow you to buy tools at Home Depot and put a portion of the proceeds toward redevelopment programs in New Orleans or carbon offsets in the Third World. If your recipient has a child, consider buying them the One Laptop Per Child, with the option that for each one you buy, you pay for two, with the extra going to a third world child.

Finally, save the gift cards for people who don’t broadcast enough about what they want to facilitate this type of information. Even then, consider getting gift cards with no expiration dates: A surprisingly high percentage of gift cards expire without ever being redeemed, nearly 40% of them, according to the Consumer Protection Agency.

Author: admin

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