Discover 5 unusual online business ideas that will put money in your pocket

If you are marketing online, tell yourself that competition is good. I really mean it. Competition has the ability to drive you to be more creative and excel in innovative thinking. It doesn’t matter, that sometimes you just have to survive due to unplanned competition. These online business ideas can help you stay ahead of the competition and win more business. Let’s take a quick look at them.

1. Ask people to find a hidden link in your ad text. When you send out a newsletter or update a blog, you can ask your readers to look for special links, words, or phrases in your copy and send you the response. Once they do, reward the first one or two people to write with something special. They will love the idea and so will the rest of your readers. This will increase the chance of making a sale because they will read all of your ad copy.

2. Start a unique members website with a difference. Don’t just do what everyone else does. Your membership site can have the same kind of stuff that other people have, but you can change a few things and really make it stand out. For one, you can put a limit on the lifespan of your membership site. Who says your site has to last forever? Your site could only be for 6 months or for a year. You can then charge a one-time access fee to enter. This sounds like a great value to me. Give it a try and find out what your subscribers think.

3. Do you want a popular blog? This online business idea is really cool. This is how I could set this up. Once you set up a blog, you can run a competition among your readers or subscribers to get them to post quality comments on your blog. Then offer a reward to the person with the most posts over a month or so. You could give away a free product or service to anyone who posts 15 or more posts on your blog in a month. Think of other creative prizes you could give away.

4. Share your article directory with your visitors. Show your visitors how they can instantly add a free article directory to their website by linking to yours. Then place your ad or banner at the top of the article directory for your main product or service. It provides a valuable service to your visitors by allowing them to give your site visitors quick access to a directory of articles, and you get that extra traffic to your website. All of those links can add up to a huge amount of qualified traffic to your website.

5. Redesign your website into a web book. This is a different approach to website design and an unusual online business idea that can help you generate more sales. Here’s how to tackle it. There are millions of websites on the internet and most of them look alike. Why not market your website as a free web book? Design your website with a title page, table of contents, chapters, etc. Simply place your ad or banner for your product or service at the top of every web page. I’m sure you can find other ways to make this idea stand out and create more appeal to your visitors.

Author: admin

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