Do you want some good booty? Here are the top 5 personal trainer ways on how to get that nice booty!

All right, ladies, you say you want a nice butt. You talk about how you’re going to get your butt in great shape. Sometimes you feel envious when you see another woman walking around with a perfect butt. Well this is your chance to get that butt you’ve always wanted. Prepare to be wowed when you walk by and all those haters talking about your loot. Here are the 5 things you didn’t know from personal trainers about how to get that nice butt! Check it out.

The benefits of glute workouts:

Squats and leg press – The benefit of squatting and pressing is that it activates virtually every muscle in your lower body. You can focus more on your glutes and hamstrings if you squat deep and wide and stay seated for 5-10 seconds during the last 2-3 reps with that deep stretch. If you want to focus on developing your quads, then parallel and front squats are great too!

lunges- Probably one of the best lower body workouts overall. Great for developing quads and hams, and if you want to activate your glutes more, you need to push deep and take a bigger step and you can incorporate arm movement to engage your core. For all the women who want that amazing look, this exercise is very important to help you achieve it.

The benefits of bridging/kickback/– These moves keep your knees bent while moving your hips through a full range of motion. Due to the bent knees which decrease the contribution of the hamstrings and increase the contribution of the glutes and the emphasis on the end range contraction.

The Benefits of Deadlifting/Good Morning Moves/Back Extension/- The moves work the hamstrings really well and move the hips through a full range of motion while hitting the glutes pretty hard. If you want to focus more on your glutes, try doing stiff-legged deadlifts on a platform, so you can get a deeper range of motion and stretch those glute muscles.

The Benefits of Barbell Hip Thrusts The movement is almost like a bridge, but you focus solely on driving your hips through your heels and squeezing your glutes. Try doing a floor bridge with a barbell through your pelvis and then you’ll thank me for your glutes.

If I had to recommend 5 glute-specific workouts, they would be:

  • Barbell Hip Thrusts and Single Leg Hip Thrusts
  • Wide and deep squats
  • Barbell glute bridge
  • Stiff legged deadlift on a platform
  • Box squats (high and low)

This is how we transform a swag from sad to great!

Most women don’t understand what it takes to go from sagging to fabulous butt region. Their bottoms are usually wide and flabby, so the first thing that comes to mind is to shrink them in some way. The first idea is basically to starve yourself by putting your bodies into a huge calorie deficit and the second idea is to do a lot of cardio thinking that the butt will magically appear after all the flab is melted away. Although a person needs to melt excess fat around the gluteal region by burning calories, she needs to be careful to make sure she is oxidizing fat, not muscle tissue, because she doesn’t want to be left with a soggy flat. looking for loot To have a nice butt, a woman must have a muscular shape to give her the round, perky, uplifted appearance that is sought after. You want your butt to grow from north to south, not east to west. It is not easy to develop the gluteal muscles, so you need to train hard and smart. The good news is that glute-specific exercises are hard, so they will increase your metabolic rate while you train. Therefore, the workout will burn fat from the butt and at the same time add muscle shape. That’s how you get a great butt!

Again, the best thing to do is to u-tube these workouts so you can get a good idea of ​​how to do the workouts correctly and be better informed about the form, or have them demonstrated by an expert. Safety comes first and you should also make sure you warm up properly for about 20 minutes before doing these exercises. Perform these single bodyweight exercises first to get familiar with them, and progress to 2-3 light weight warm-up sets. These glute exercises can also be incorporated into full body workouts, just choose three glute workouts and add them with your upper body workouts. Remember the rep schemes I talked about, be wise. I recommend working your glutes 2-3 days a week, but be sure to rest for at least 48-72 hours to allow muscle tissue to repair itself. Hit ’em hard, damn it! Don’t be afraid to use weights and get that booty you’ve always wanted!

There you go! This is what we focus on in my personal training programs. That’s the secret to how Durham’s best personal trainers help build amazing glutes! Now spread the word so we can live in a world with Kardashian, J-Lo and Vida Guerra. Thanks.

Author: admin

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