Fasting to lose weight and personal responsibility

Personal liability (when it comes to health, weight, and general health) is on the ropes and in danger of being knocked out. Like the criminal who insists that he is the victim of his harsh childhood, many obese people can die before their time. Because? Because they just don’t want to do what it takes to be healthy. They do not want to be involved in their own health care.

the omnipotent doctor

Many of these good people are under the illusion that doctors know everything and can fix anything. Jim is 100 pounds overweight and entered the hospital with a vague feeling of not being well. He proceeds to undergo thousands and millions of dollars of tests, all of which come back negative.

Great right?

No. Jaime is upset. He is disappointed that no serious illnesses were discovered. “Why can’t you find anything?” he tells the nurse annoyed. He storms off, blaming the “doctors and nurses” for being incompetent and not “fixing” him. Jim will turn to other doctors in search of the elusive disease and cure, unaware that his advance is looking at him in the mirror. He has the key to change. Jim lacks personal responsibility.

Why can’t they find anything?

But the fact that Jim eats all the wrong foods, doesn’t exercise, and spends most of his free time glued to a couch with the remote in hand “doesn’t” cross his mind as problematic. “Why can’t you find anything?” He asks. Whose job is it to keep us healthy and fit? Is it the doctor? The nurse? Society?

The answer to these questions is obvious but not apparent to many. We are responsible. Nobody… nobody can “fix” us. We must learn to stand in the gap and do it for ourselves. While we may receive some pity and support at first, human beings will eventually tire of it. We will be left alone with ourselves. Learn to make the tough decisions NOW before life makes the PERMANENT decision of serious illness for you. Yes, taking responsibility is the easiest and smoothest way. Don’t you think?

Pass the ball

One of the biggest challenges in losing weight is simply a lack of concern for one’s own well-being and longevity. The biggest obstacles to weight loss and health are often your own indifference, laziness and apathy.

Agnes has just learned that she has type 2 diabetes. She is 60 pounds overweight, smokes, and avidly eats fried and sweet foods, mostly accompanied by soft drinks. Alarmed by her chest pains, she comes and is admitted to the hospital for tests and observation. The nurse sits down with Agnes and tries to explain how diabetes predisposes a person to heart disease and affects the whole body.

Agnes interrupts the nurse by telling her that she “needs to call the kitchen.” Her husband Sam is waiting. He is visibly overweight by more than 100 pounds and also smokes cigarettes. Sam doesn’t hear much of what’s being said because he’s busy eating a cheeseburger with fries and an extra-large milkshake. Sam isn’t just eating: he’s putting the food into his mouth barely breathing. The nurse turns her attention back to Agnes. “Why do you have to call the kitchen?”

“Oh,” Agnes replies. “They forgot to bring the chocolate cake along with the rest of the dinner.” It became quite clear to the nurse that Agnes and Sam were too busy eating and watching TV to hear her “nagging” about diabetes, cigarettes, and overeating.

But, hoping for the best, the nurse tells Agnes bluntly that she needs to eat better food to balance her dangerously high blood sugar.

Agnes’ response completes the entire message of this article. She looks up from her dinner angrily and says to the nurse, “Are you watching my blood sugar? Why do I have to check my blood sugar? I thought you guys were checking it!” “.

normal for me

Unfortunately, this type of mindset is more common than one might think. Many diabetics think they are fine as long as they take insulin. As long as they don’t go into diabetic shock, go blind, or are bedridden and covered in sores, they’re fine. This may sound harsh, but unfortunately it is the reality for some.

Thousands will continue to die from this horrible fortress that has taken control of their minds and stomachs. Such is the power of food to hypnotize and control… literally kill slowly and deliberately.

Fasting to lose weight, exercise, learn to eat? Out of the question. We have seen many diabetics say they are “used” to high blood sugar. They are no longer alarmed and see it as “normal”. “Your blood sugar is 200!” the nurse tells Rick. “Well yeah,” she says. “That’s high. But don’t worry. It’s normal for me.”

Yes. It’s normal to be 40, 50, 100 pounds overweight.

Then there are many who are not diabetic (yet) but are still severely overweight and in danger of contracting this deadly disease. Obesity threatens to shorten their lives. It could be you? What is your attitude towards your health and fitness?

What are some of the belief systems that prevent you from taking action? How important or “not important” is it to you to be healthy, slim, and live to a ripe old age? A dear friend of mine, may he rest in peace, refused to lose weight and died last year on the steps of his house of a sudden massive heart attack. His wife was pregnant with his first child. Cases like these are seen more and more frequently.

Many premature deaths can be prevented by doing a 7- to 14-day juice or water fast at least once every two years, in addition to shorter fasts every six months. Some choose to fast once a week with wonderful and life-giving results.

The best many of us can do is stop eating regularly for at least three days and give the digestive system time to regroup, rest, heal, and detox. Fasting saves lives. Fasting is a direct, one-way path to better health, drastic weight loss, and longevity.

quick torture

But to come to this realization some people must first overcome their seeming blindness to self-responsibility. Take Al for example. She arrived at the hospital complaining of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. His digestive system was found to be in serious disarray from years of destructive overeating. Al is 80 pounds overweight and suffering from hypoglycemia. The doctor puts him on a NPO or “Nothing By Mouth” regimen for 24 hours. In other words, he is put on an involuntary fast.

However, within three hours, Al is frantically and very angry ringing the “call” bell for the nurses station. He wants to know why he is being “tortured”. “Why can’t I eat? Why can’t I eat? They won’t let me eat! For God’s sake, they won’t let me eat!” Al is blind to his plight. All that matters is the food. The reality of his obesity and disease escapes him completely.

His life

Fasting “rests” the organ that is injured or mistreated. Period. If you sprained your ankle, you wouldn’t go for a run that same day, would you? Well, why then do we insist on eating when we are obese and toxic? The harsh reality is, THIS IS NOT Aunt Mary’s Tea Party.

Fasting and caloric restriction are one way to reverse years of damage to your body. But most people just aren’t willing to put up with a little discomfort, even if it represents much-needed healing and weight loss. These people may be doomed. They don’t want to do anything that, even for a while, will take them away from absolute comfort and instant gratification. Such was the state of the Roman empire before its fall.

The equation is the same today. Walk through some discomfort and accept the change. But face the consequences. To be consumed by the sword of one’s own madness. Which of these indivisible and sure crops do you wish to reap?

Remember: This is real life. HIS LIFE. It is your responsibility to do whatever it takes to improve your health, especially (and more urgently) if you are overweight and toxic. Doctors and hospitals are there to help us and are very valuable, but they certainly should not be seen as the “cure” for what ails us. Medications are available to treat most symptoms. Prevention is the best medicine.

Prevention is in your hands. It gives you the power to direct your health toward the most optimal outcome. Such is the way of the mature. Such is the path of the brave and the wise.

The Health Bank

Fasting and caloric restriction are one way to reverse years of damage to your body. Your health is like a bank account. You have to make deposits. Fasting, dieting, eating well, exercising… all of these disciplines make deposits into your health account.

One day you may need to make a withdrawal from that wellness account. If you haven’t made any deposits… guess what? What will happen to you? There will be nothing there. A day of tragedy, darkness and gnashing of teeth. The main point of this article is to be direct and direct with real life experiences so that you, dear reader, do NOT have to go through any adverse health consequences. You can do it by admitting that you are responsible.

What should change in your health? How much weight do you need to lose? How long have you been putting it off? What has become more important than your health? Start fasting, start NOW! You don’t have to break records or fast for days and days and days. Fast one day a week. I fast even half a day a week. Work your way up from there. But do it. Works. And you are worth it!

Message to Ponder: Your personal food choices each day and in each situation will determine the quality of your health. Doctors and hospitals are NOT responsible for your well-being. You are responsible. Fasting can get you there. Are you ready?

Author: admin

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