Find out how article marketing can boost your business

When starting a new online business, establishing your space on the web is the hardest part. There are many strategies that can generate that exposure, but one of the most successful ways to date is article marketing. Article marketing has proven to be one of the most effective ways to market online. By writing an article and submitting it to a high-traffic website, you not only increase your internet exposure and generate viewers, but you also create a backlink as well as content for your website.

It just so happens that Google loves articles. In fact, an article is very likely to rank on Google if it seems relevant to the keywords people are typing. One of our articles recently took the top position with the words “Effective Muscle Transformation”. Besides that, article marketing has many other benefits:

You can rank high on Google.

  1. You can put a link in the article that will be a powerful one-way backlink (especially if it ranks highly).
  2. The content you write will be indexed and added to the relevance of the websites the article links to.
  3. If people like your article, they syndicate it to their own blogs or website (more links!).
  4. Article marketing can work wonders if done correctly.

When writing an article, make sure it is relevant to readers as well as search engine crawlers, syndication and SEO purposes.

Although it is very important that search engine crawlers like your article, it is essential that readers like it too. First, it’s common for a human viewer to take a good article and syndicate it on their own similarly themed website, which would create another one-way backlink. Secondly, it is important for search engine crawlers to find these backlinks to your website, relate the content of the article to your website in order to rank you more successfully in search engines.

Article Marketing & Business Writing is a powerful SEO and internet marketing strategy. Some quick tips for writing effective business articles:

  • Have a compelling theme that people want to click on, even if they weren’t looking for it.
  • Incorporate the main keywords several times within the article without isolating it, to ensure that search engine crawlers know what it is about.
  • Keep the content interesting and engaging.

Effective article marketing is a proven strategy that, if done correctly, can yield amazing results.

Author: admin

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