Four categories of coffee grinders

Almost everyone in the whole world loves to drink coffee. It must be the addictive kick of caffeine that draws people to this popular drink. Breakfast will not be complete with a fresh cup of coffee to start the day. Coffee is also a favorite companion for students who stay up late at night when studying for an exam. It is also next to the businessmen who stay up late at night to finish some reports in front of the computer.

Coffee is also present in social gatherings. Friends caught up on their stories over their favorite cups of coffee. This is also the reason why coffee shops have become so prevalent and profitable nowadays. It has become the appointment of family friends.

Whatever the reason, people drink coffee. And that is why it has sparked interest in making cups of coffee at home. After all, if one drinks coffee regularly, like once or twice a day, it will be very expensive and impractical to buy a cup at a time in coffee shops.

And thus, coffee grinders are widely available in the market to cater to the many lovers of this caffeinated beverage. To note, there are four categories of coffee grinders and these will be discussed in more detail below. These are classified according to use.

The first category is home and office coffee grinders for personal use. Most of these are portable, but they are also durable when cleaned and maintained well. As a general rule, the heavier the coffee grinder, the better. It’s because coffee grinders with large, heavy motors produce more torque at a comparatively slow speed. They have ample power to grind coffee beans, excluding the need to heat them.

These coffee grinders are enough to prepare five to ten cups of coffee in a single preparation. You can serve a whole family or a couple of office mates at work.

Espresso grinders are the second type, good for small restaurants or cafes. These typically weigh 10 pounds or more. Espresso grinders are really more for commercial use. It produces stronger flavors of coffee, which a small serving contains a high percentage of caffeine. It also produces more cups in a single brew. So it’s good even with high customer traffic at peak times.

The third type is commercial coffee grinders. It is primarily designed to grind several pounds of good coffee throughout the day, without the risk of the appliance overheating. This is because commercial coffee grinders have very large electric motors and larger hoppers. Although these grinders are heavy and large, they still run on standard 110/220 volt power. Thus, almost all commercial types of coffee grinders have a so-called dispenser and are fully automatic.

The last type is retail coffee grinders. They are basically used in gourmet cafeterias and supermarkets. It grinds fast and accurately. These are the coffee grinders you see in small outlets serving cups of coffee to a long queue.

Author: admin

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