Gold Guide – Discover the best farming locations

Farming can be described as the act of killing one or more types of monsters in an area to gain gold or loot; this method is considered old-fashioned and relatively easy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a lot of gold from it. With a good gold farming guide, you will know the most profitable locations, zones or instances to farm; the fastest techniques to take down the mob and win your loot; and the best class to do it.

This is not a detailed gold farming guide, but I will try to reveal as much as I can. If you just created your character, it is impossible to farm effectively, so go and do a couple of quests, gain experience, earn various copper or silver, and get your character to level 15.

Once you hit level 15, it depends on your faction. If you are an Alliance character go to Defias Windmill, you will find him in the Gold Coast area in Westfall. There are a lot of Defias mobs around the windmill that drop linen cloth and other nice humanoid loot. These mobs are around level 12, so they should be easy to take down; the spawn rate is pretty high too, so you don’t have to worry about running out of mobs to kill.

If you are on the Horde faction, you can go to The Barrens and start killing Great Plainstrider. It has a high chance of dropping Light Feather, which sells well at AH. It also has some chance to drop proper weapons and armor like Native Sash or Fire Wand.

An iron rule in entry level farming is to always keep the bag empty as much as possible; you can do this by selling all your junk whenever you find a seller. If you happen to find your bag full and you can’t find a vendor nearby, throw away any trash items and keep the one with the highest value.

Here are some good farm locations for higher level characters:

1. Alterac Mountains in the Eastern Kingdoms; kill Elemental Slave here, they have little chance to drop elemental land which sells well on the auction house.

2. Scarlet Monastery Cemetery in Trisfal Glades; look for unrestricted Spirit here, they are easy to kill compared to the other mobs and have fair drops.

3. The Badlands in the Eastern Kingdoms; find normal Rock Elemental for lots of gray loot like Lifeless Stone and Jagged Piece of Stone.

4. Fire Gorge in the Eastern Kingdom; kill the elites here and get your magicweave cloth.

5. Felwood in Kalimdor; Find the Deadwoods as they drop silver, Living Essences, rare herbs, and important healing potions.

6. Shalzaru’s lair at the northern end of the Isle of Terror; Get the nagas here to get golden pearl drops.

7. Death Pass in the Eastern Kingdoms; get Deadwind Ogre Mage for Runecloth drop.

8. Ruins of Arklon in Netherstorm, Outland; Artifact Seeker drops Mark of Sargeras while Doomguard Fellblade can give you Fel Armaments.

9. Northrend Dragonblight; Start from Venomspite and head south to the coast while farming all the humanoid mobs you find for gold and various loot.

10. Wintergrasp in Northrend; Ready for some challenge? This PvP zone will make farming even more difficult, but here you will find several Revenants that drop Crystallized Air, Water, Shadow, Fire, and Earth.

There are plenty of other farming locations that offer you a good hourly gold rate; you just need to know what to kill and the fastest method to do it.

Author: admin

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