Green Home Renovation Strategies

In today’s times of ecological awareness and global warming, it is essential that whatever anyone does has an ecological influence. In one of the most prosperous industries known as home construction, home renovation has taken a green stance. Read on to find out more about some of the green home renovation strategies.

According to independent statistics published by the US Energy Information Administration in 2011, the annual electricity consumption of a US residential customer averaged 11,280 kWh, or 940 kWh per month. To effectively contribute to saving the environment and repairing the adverse effects of global warming, it is essential that people become more energy efficient. This has given way to home improvements that are made with a vision of energy conservation.

Most of the materials used in home renovation are eco-friendly. One of the most effective methods of conserving energy is to replace all light bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). Compact fluorescent lamps consume less energy and last longer than regular light bulbs. A better option over CFLs are LEDs, which are much more energy efficient as they do not contain mercury.

The construction materials used in renovation and remodeling works in recent times are also eco-friendly. Builders have now turned to natural materials like stone, wood, and recycled metal. The other green materials that can be used include recycled industrial products such as coal combustion products, etc. The US LCI Database Project indicates that building materials such as wood will have less energy than common building materials such as brick and steel.

It is also advisable to install solar panels to save energy. Solar energy is a natural form of energy and is clean and efficient. Solar panels not only save energy but also money. Solar water heaters can be used because they are also energy efficient.

As you renovate your home, in addition to conserving energy and money, you can also aim to conserve water. Water efficiency can be increased by using low-flow water faucets and fixtures. Low-flow toilets have also become popular as people try to conserve water. Upgrading to a larger water tank can be helpful in saving water. Rainwater techniques can be used to save water. Renovating the older, outdated drainage system will also work.

Both builders and renovators use energy efficient construction techniques such as active daylighting, green roof, earth protection, super insulation, double skin house, etc. Therefore, when you opt for a renovation or remodeling service, it is essential to see if the renovation will make your home energy efficient and if the materials used are eco-friendly.

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