Guitar lesson: Maria had a little lamb for beginners

Have you ever played a melody on a guitar? Well, if not the first time! I’ll show you how to play Mary Had A Little Lamb on one string with one finger on your left hand and one finger on your right hand.

It doesn’t matter what string you use on your guitar or someone else’s. It is a matter of personal choice.

As you know, Mary Had A Little Lamb is a popular children’s song. Here is the first verse:

Mary had a little lamb

little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb

his fleece was white as snow

Thomas Edison used this poem to prove his invention of the phonograph in 1877. It became the first audio recording to be successfully made and reproduced.

Let’s start by playing on a string of your choice. Pluck the string with your thumb. If you play the string three times with the thumb of your right hand, we can write it like this:


If you press down on the string at the second fret with the index finger of your left hand and play it three times and then lift your finger and play the open string three times as you did before, it will look like this:


Do I have the idea? Well, to play Mary Had A Little Lamb you need two more notes. Press your first finger on the fourth fret and then on the seventh and you will have all the necessary notes. The song looks like this:



If you still have doubts, you can ask a friend who plays the guitar for help. He or she will probably be proud to help you.

If this tune is a bit easy for you, you can teach it to a friend who doesn’t play guitar. Many people start to smile when they get to play something on the guitar for the first time!

Author: admin

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