How a simple song can provide daily inspiration for success and goals

Most people like to listen to music. I listen every day. Music has a very powerful effect on us. It is almost primitive.

The type of music we listen to has a profound effect on our mood and the way we view life. Music can depress, stir, uplift and inspire. When you have set goals to improve your life by changing some of your habits or improving your finances, the music you listen to can make or break your path to success.

When I started my path to entrepreneurship, I didn’t believe in myself. Not only did he not believe he could succeed, he did not believe he deserved success. Fortunately, I had a caring mentor who took me on a personal development program. As I grew older and more confident, I naturally looked for different actions to add to my self-improvement activities.

One day I was working and I realized that part of a certain song kept going around in my head. It was from the movie Space Jam. All he remembered was “I think I can fly.” I looked up the song on You-Tube and listened to it in its entirety. I really listened to the words and found that the lyrics give a lot of positive self-affirmations.

The song begins with a common desperate state that many people find themselves in. “I used to think I couldn’t go on. And life was nothing but a horrible song.” This is where a person makes a life-altering decision. He can think about being depressed and negative, or he can think about throwing off those chains and focusing on the positive aspect of life.

The following lines speak of the turning point. “But now I know the meaning of true love. I lean on the everlasting arms.” This can mean different things to people. It can be spiritual, figurative or literal. For me I attribute a deeply spiritual meaning to these lines. Being in touch with your inner core, the part of you that moves you emotionally in any circumstance, is essential for your motivation.

Most of the song’s remaining lines are “I” statements, especially “I can”. Whenever you develop self-affirmations (also known as self-talk or autosuggestion), they should be a positive statement of your ability to achieve your goals. The lines in this song are general statements of believing in oneself to achieve success.

“If I can see it, then I can do it.
If I simply believe it, there is nothing in it.
I believe I can fly.
I believe I can touch the sky.
I think about it night and day.
Spread my wings and fly away.
I believe I can fly.
I see myself running through that open door.”

Not only does this song continually reinforce believing in yourself, it shows how to visualize what you want. Talking about believing you can fly and spreading your wings means taking off successfully. I think of the mental image of a bald eagle that commonly represents “flight to success.” Achieving success means that you have walked through the open door of opportunity. The only way to tell that self-affirmations work is by repeating them out loud at least 100 times a day, thinking about it “day and night.”

Finally, they are very powerful statements that require a person to accept responsibility for their greatness. “There are miracles in life that I must achieve. But first I know that it begins within me.” The only way to make positive affirmations to change your life is to make them your own. Know that your ability to succeed and your greatness is already within you and declare it. Write it down and say it several times a day. Even if your parents, spouse, or friends have no faith, you must truly believe the statement, “I believe in myself.”

R. Kelly performs the song “I Believe In Me” and is available for purchase through iTunes. I have a copy in my library and listen to it almost every morning. Listening to songs like this, spiritual music, and self-development audios is part of my daily regimen to reaffirm my belief in myself.

Author: admin

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