How play prevents boredom in young children

Playing is not just playing

Adults see the game as something to fill the time in a pleasant and enjoyable way. For adults, play is not a “serious” activity but rather a way of distracting ourselves from the rigors of responsible living and the demands of work. For children the game has a different function. Play is a child’s way of “working” and preparing the body for the skills he will need as an adult.

The game stimulates the brain to develop fine and gross motor skills and coordination between body parts. The game develops skills between the eyes and the parts of the body. The game teaches the child the relationship between oneself and others, oneself and the environment, and oneself and others. The game uses language to direct behavior and carry out thought processes. The game stimulates and uses the child’s creativity and imagination. The game gives the child the opportunity to interact with peers and develop social skills. The game is the stage for teamwork and collaboration. Group play leads to moral and ethical behavior so children learn to see events and situations from someone else’s point of view. The game is an opportunity for a child to hone their language skills so that others understand their meaning.

How much play does a child need to develop properly?

Before entering kindergarten, a child learns many school readiness skills. Young children need to learn to run, jump, skip, hop and gallop. They need to learn to cut with scissors, move small and large objects in space, and color within lines. They need to learn to hear sounds and discriminate between those sounds. They need to learn to discriminate between colors, shapes and sizes. They need practice counting and writing on paper. They need to learn to take turns and resolve disagreements without anger or resentment. For a child under 4 years old, all this usually takes all day. For a child between 4 and 6 years old, this takes almost 2 hours of their day.

Children in school need their mid-morning, lunch and mid-afternoon recess times, as well as after school. They have a hard time sitting in one place and being quiet. Concentration is hard work, and learning to read, do math, and write takes a lot of effort.

Imagine how often an adult wants to take a break from their assigned tasks. Adults can choose most of their tasks, or at least the order in which they are done, but children do not have that option. Your life is not under your control, and following the rules of others is also hard work.

How much do I play?

The simple answer is: a lot. Of course, the game can be interactive with adults in learning situations (language and communication are jobs, but can be done in fun settings). Just because you, the adult, see a child’s activity as fun and serving little or no purpose, doesn’t mean it is. Let the kids play – they’ll soon be adults, fighting for as many games as you have or don’t have in your own life.

Author: admin

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