How to stay motivated in a slow job market

It’s no secret that today’s job market has been a source of frustration for many Americans. Although there are signs of improvement, there are many who continue to face dangers associated with the inability to provide a substantial livelihood for themselves and their families. How can job seekers stay motivated? There are 6 strategies to help.

1. Accentuate your Assets

Unemployment is undoubtedly a very uncomfortable experience. It is a time of great anxiety and uncertainty because it is linked to basic survival. Despite the uncertainties, this may be an opportune time to discover or rediscover the skills you possess that can make attractive potential employers. There are 3 key questions to ask to get started.
1. What do I enjoy doing the most?
2. What knowledge, skills or experience can I share with others?
3. Who can I attract with my current knowledge base, skills and experience?

Candidly answering these questions is the beginning of a prosperous career, and you may be pleasantly surprised at how others will value your skill sects.

2. Make a list

Once you’ve figured out your greatest professional attributes, you can start making a list of potential employers. However, you shouldn’t limit your search to just brick and mortar. When conducting a general job search, you may be surprised to learn how many agencies, companies, and organizations will value and pay for your experience. Once you’ve discovered those potential clients, you should start making a list of those agencies including their name, phone number, and other contact information.

3. Spring Clean Social Media

Now that you’ve made a list of some potential employers, it’s time to clean up your social media sites. Social media plays an integral role in the hiring process. Your online image can make or break your chances of being extended a lucrative offer; therefore, it is critical that you take extra time to do the following:
1. Eliminate or interrupt negative associations
2. Eliminate negative images
3. Take care of your language
4. Avoid revealing too much. Practice modesty.

Individuality and creativity are strongly encouraged, but it is equally important to understand that employers are determining how and if these characteristics align with their company culture.

4. Use temperature

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the United States experienced 10 recessions between 1948 and 2011. The most recent recession began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009. This resulted in a slump in the housing market and an unemployment rate that exceeded the national average. To put this in perspective, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the national unemployment rate during this time is 5.0 percent. Thirty months earlier, the unemployment rate was fairly stable or below that average. At the end of the recession, this increased by 9.5 percent. Suddenly, some of America’s prosperous states, such as California, Michigan, and Nevada, experienced the highest unemployment rates in history, confirmed to be over 10.0 percent.

The economic landscape continued to change when federal law mandated employers to provide health coverage to all employees. For many companies and industries, this sets the stage for a growing trend of hiring through employment or temporary agencies. According to Associated Press business writer Christopher S. Rugaber, the number of temporary workers has increased by 50% since the end of the recession 4 years ago, contributing to the majority being hired since 1990. What Does this mean for job seekers?

There is a paradigm shift that requires more job seekers to seek temporary employment. As Ethan Harris, global economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, says, “There is a generational shift toward a less compromised employer-employee relationship. Despite this fact, temporary work can provide great advantages. According to Career Transition Expert and Author of the article Why Temporary Work Is Worth It, Kerry Hannon, The benefits include:

1. Motivation to get you out of bed in the morning
2. Potential to drive to work full time
3. Get a decent salary
4. Build a professional network
5. New references
6. Helps prevent gaps in employment and
7. Keep your skills sharp

5. Skill development

Building your skills during unemployment is a great way to ensure that you remain marketable in today’s job market. Once you’ve carefully identified the skills that are required for your career interests, you can begin to investigate ways to develop those sects of skills. There are several inexpensive options available.

Local job centers often provide free assessments and training courses to help you address and close learning gaps, such as Microsoft Office certification programs and career readiness certifications. Again, these are free and only require your commitment to the process.

Another great resource is the Goodwill Community Foundation (GCF). GCF is dedicated to providing lifelong learners with essential 21st century skills. It includes a wide range of courses that teach computer basics, basic reading, writing, and math, along with advanced level or personal development courses such as Microsoft Office and social networking. GCF provides students with free, unlimited access to nearly 1,200 interactives, lessons, and videos to accommodate a variety of learning styles.

6. Think outside the box

While you’re becoming increasingly frustrated with your job search, this may be a good time to think outside the box and improve your resume. For example, volunteering is a great way to show employers that you are a well-rounded and socially conscious person. Because many businesses and industries support community projects, volunteering with one of these organizations can gain the attention of key stakeholders.

Blogging is another good way to get noticed by employers. Businesses and industries are always looking for ways to grow their brand and they need honest people to help them connect or reconnect with their target markets. Blogging about your consumer experiences or things that generally concern you can provide opportunities that can lead to contract opportunities such as: taking surveys, freelance writing, and more.

Networking is a surprisingly effective method used to gain the attention of potential employers. This is often confused with joining civic or business organizations. Although these may be good for some, it is not suitable for others. Networking is simply the art of building relationships, which often starts with a simple conversation. When starting this conversation, you should not limit yourself to your need to get a job. Instead, you should use this as an opportunity to tell others what you have to offer. In fact, this should be the main emphasis. How does this work? Asking your networking partners four key questions can potentially open doors of opportunity. Keep in mind that these people should be familiar with your character and work ethic.

1. As you know, I have been looking for a job for a long time. Then use this as an opportunity to briefly say what you can offer. Do you know someone who needs to include an adjective and fill in the blank?
2. Can I contact this person?
3. What is the preferred method and timing?
4. Can I use it as a reference?

Staying motivated during a long job search can be challenging because it’s often unknown when it ends. However, it is imperative that job seekers maintain a positive attitude throughout the process. Making a list, using temp agencies, developing your skills, networking, and thinking outside the box are some ways to stay positive while breaking the monotony of a tedious search.

Author: admin

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