How to take care of your baby’s teeth

When to start brushing your babies. Most parents believe that they should start proper dental care only after the first teeth have been broken. But you really should start much earlier. A gentle cleaning of the baby’s gums is beneficial for good oral health.

Also, your child will get used to it and have their teeth brushed as they grow older.

Learn to open your baby’s mouth correctly. Some babies may have a hard time trying to open their mouth to clean their gums or brush their teeth. It is very important that you do not use any force to open your mouth, as it could hurt your baby.

If she’s having trouble, you can try opening her mouth to give her the pacifier and putting your finger or toothbrush on her instead.

It is not a good idea to make your baby open his mouth to something edible because your baby will be very frustrated if you don’t get it later.

Learn how to properly clean your baby’s gums before the first teeth appear. You can use a clean, damp wash mitt to clean your baby’s gums. But it can’t be that easy to handle. Some parents are more comfortable using their finger. When using your finger, it is extremely important that your hand is clean before putting it in your baby’s mouth.

There are special cleaning tools that you can buy to clean your baby’s gums. These are made of soft rubber and generally have small, soft bristles on the surface.

They are designed to be placed on the end of an adult’s index finger so that the bristles are on the inside of the fingers. This allows for easy handling inside the baby’s mouth.

Don’t use toothpaste. At this age, you don’t really need to use toothpaste, even toddler toothpaste. Instead, only the gum cleanser (brush, cloth or finger) should be moistened before putting it in the baby’s mouth.

You should make several movements through the mouth while gently rubbing the surface of the gum.

· Of course, it is important not to get too close to the neck. Otherwise, the baby could begin to suffocate and possibly break.

Brush your baby’s teeth immediately after the breakthrough. You should continue to clean your baby’s gums with the same methods, even if the first teeth are already coming in. But don’t forget to clean your teeth too. Once a few more teeth have arrived, you can invest in your first baby toothbrush.

Get a baby toothbrush. Look for a baby toothbrush with a small, soft head and rounded bristles that easily fit your baby’s mouth and small teeth. The toothbrush should have a long handle so that it is easy to hold and manipulate in the baby’s mouth.

Learn how to correctly position the toothbrush to effectively clean your baby’s teeth. The best way to brush your teeth is to put your baby face down on your lap. This will make it easier for you to move your arm and clean your teeth properly.

Brush your baby’s teeth twice a day. You should clean your baby’s teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Place a pea-sized portion of toothpaste on your toothbrush, cleaning the inside and outside of your teeth in a gentle circular motion.

· If you can, gently lift your baby’s tongue to kill bacteria. Just don’t go too far down the throat with the brush. Otherwise, it could stimulate your baby’s gag reflex.

If you are using a fluoride-free toothpaste, you don’t have to worry about it if your baby doesn’t spit it out because it can be swallowed safely.

Help your baby bite as painlessly as possible. During teething, your baby’s gums will swell and hurt. You can alleviate these symptoms by doing the following:

Gently massage the gums with your finger. Make sure your hands are clean before doing that.

Give your baby something to chew on and chew on, like a teething ring. Do not give it anything with small parts that can suffocate it.

Take your baby to the dentist when he is one year old. It is recommended to take your baby to the dentist for his first birthday.

At this stage, your baby already has some teeth that the dentist can examine to see if they are developing properly.

The dentist will also check for cavities or gum disease and advise you on proper oral hygiene.

Make sure your baby doesn’t eat too many sweets and starches. Sweets and starchy foods can cause tooth decay.

Sweetened drinks, like fruit juices, can cause tooth decay in your baby. The sugar in the juice produces bacteria on the surface of the tooth, which can lead to cavities.

· When you buy baby food, make sure it does not contain added sugars. If you are preparing the baby food yourself, do not add sugar.

Do not give your baby juices or other sweet drinks before bedtime. If your baby wants to drink before bed, give him milk or water.


Let your child drink water after every meal. This removes some of the food from your teeth and gives them some fluoride.

Throw away your baby’s toothbrush after three months or when the bristles start to curl and break.

In addition to proper oral hygiene, proper nutrition and a visit to the dentist are part of proper dental care.

When the baby begins to eat solid foods, it is important to think about a good diet so that his teeth, as well as the rest of the body, remain strong and healthy and grow well. Sweets, ice cream and other sweets should not be part of your diet.

If she’s having trouble, you can try opening her mouth to give her the pacifier and putting your finger or toothbrush on her instead.

It is not a good idea to make your baby open his mouth to something edible because your baby will be very frustrated if you don’t get it later.

Author: admin

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