Husky Digging – How To Handle It

If you want to learn how to handle Husky digging, then this article will be of interest to you. You’ll see that the process is fairly simple to do if you understand why Huskies dig, why you shouldn’t stop this behavior altogether, and how to redirect this behavior. After understanding these three things, Husky’s digging should become much less of a problem in his yard.

First, understand that digging is a completely normal and natural behavior for all dogs. In the wild, canines will dig holes as reserves for their food. They will also dig to find cooler soil to lie down in and a safe place to give birth to their pups. This is why you may find that your Husky digs more often in warmer weather. Quite simply, dogs can also dig because it’s fun or because they’re bored. Either way, digging is a natural instinct in dogs and should not be completely untrained.

You don’t want the Husky to stop digging altogether for a few reasons. For one thing, it’s a natural instinct in your Husky; training him to go against his natural instincts is obviously very difficult. Not to mention, even if he manages to train his Husky not to dig, when the heat is on, he’ll probably dig anyway. Second, they have so much fun digging that you’d better focus on redirecting their behavior. So to save yourself some headaches, you’ll want to redirect the dig instead of trying to remove it.

Redirecting your Husky’s dig is a very simple process. First, choose a designated spot in your yard for your Husky to dig. Use a sandbox-like area and then encourage him to dig there. Praise him when he digs there. If he digs somewhere else, call him to his spot or calmly walk him in and praise him when he starts digging there. Until your Husky is well trained to dig in the designated spot, you should supervise him while he digs. You will soon learn where it is okay to dig.

Husky digging doesn’t have to be a completely frustrating problem if you know how to handle it. He understands that digging is a natural behavior and that you shouldn’t try to eliminate it entirely. Instead, he concentrates on redirecting his Husky’s digging to an appropriate area. If you use this information, Husky digging should become much less of a problem.

Author: admin

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