“I AM” Affirmations – Article 1

A girl read the book and said; “You mean I’m important? The other kids make fun of me because I’m poor. But now I can show them my I AM book! And tell them I matter too!”

An affirmation is a true statement, and the truth is that you are a loving, intelligent, and caring being full of potential and worthy of love, respect, and appreciation. Whatever we choose to say after the words “I am” affects our feelings, moods, and even how we see the world. When positive, these beliefs help us feel more confident and capable at school, at home, wherever we are.

And I am made of love,
who also made the rainbow,
The flower, the sea, the dove.

I am affectionate!
In each and every way.
In fact that’s what I tell myself,
At the beginning of each new day.

Some children are lucky to have families who tell them how much they love them. Other children may not have anyone to tell them how important and full of potential they are. If someone says or does something that makes us think they don’t care about us, that’s the time we need to know who we really are. So we can begin to see that angry or mean people are simply people who have forgotten that they are also made of love.

When we say “I am! And I am made of love”, the words create a feeling of love to support us in what we are. Love is healing and makes us feel better about ourselves, with others and with the world. The more we respect ourselves, the more loving and respectful people come into our lives. Affirmations help us see an option to remember that we shape our view of the world. What we think determines how we feel about ourselves. When we know the truth about ourselves and act from love, we help others to know their own truth. And maybe we can change the world! It can start with each of us!

Affirmations help us even when we feel sad, angry, or scared, as long as we first acknowledge and validate our feelings. One way to do this is to find someone who can listen to us, offer empathy, and mirror our feelings. In every moment we have the power to choose how we react and remember who we really are.

Memorize the affirmations so you can recall them as needed throughout the day. Try saying affirmations as soon as you wake up in the morning. Say them to the first person you see when you wake up and to yourself in the mirror. When we say an affirmation while looking in the mirror, it is even more powerful because we see, hear, and feel the message at the same time. And remember: what we tell ourselves before bed makes a difference in how well we sleep, what we dream about, and how we feel when we wake up. At the end of the day, think of three things you’ve done that you’re proud of and say an affirmation. For example, “I appreciate that I said an affirmation to myself instead of yelling at the guy on the bus.” Sometimes it’s hard to do something new, but over time, affirmations can help us learn to flow with life instead of fighting it.

Author: admin

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