If you think you’re down, you are: 6 ways to get your Mojo back

Do you think you are in the doldrums? If you are asking yourself that question, then you are in luck! You need to recognize the signs like stress, boredom, lack of getting up and walking, etc. The main reason people get stuck in the first place is that they do the same things all the time. To free yourself from the things that bind you and your thought process, you have to do something different. It has been said that you cannot expect a different result if you do the same thing all the time. Here are some suggestions from my perspective as a marketer and advertiser on how to break out of a rut.

1. Find your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths. My weakness 23 years ago was a complete lack of computer skills. Now, it is one of my strengths. As I did? Take time to attend classes on Microsoft products and gain proficiency in MS Outlook. Why does that matter? My entire day revolves around that program and I am much more efficient than ever. Also, I couldn’t do what I do without those computer skills which in themselves opened up other opportunities. Not sure what your weakness is? Ask your spouse, children, boss, coworkers, etc. Trust me they will tell you.

2. Consider establishing a consulting practice. The first step, read Million Dollar Consulting by Alan Weiss

This is my bible to consult and should be the bible for anyone considering this field. As a salesperson, this has been the single most important book in helping me establish my business and collect the fees necessary to be successful. A key point that Alan makes is “don’t sell your time, sell value”. Not understanding this fact condemns many people who try to consult and fail; They don’t charge enough for their services. My copy is so battered that the cover is about to come off. Because? Because I read it all the time! Plus, I’ve gifted this book to budding consultants so many times I’ve lost count. If you are now a consultant or want to be, read this book.

3.Travel. Go to the beach. Go to a foreign country where you have no idea about its language or culture. It will force you to think differently. Some of the most significant trips I have taken were to China, where everything was different, the food, the culture, the language, etc.

4. Read something different like poetry or business books. Get some business books like Rule #1 Don’t Be #2 by Daniel Milstein, or Four Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss and read them. Break out of the mold and read something you would never consider, like a photography book. I suggest The Glow of Paris The Bridges of Paris at night by Gary Zuercher, who studied under Ansel Adams’ understudy.

5. Do something exciting. Take a ride in a hot air balloon; Go sailing on a barefoot cruise for a week in the Caribbean where you are part of the crew doing the work. When you’re concentrating on navigating, his subconscious mind will help you break free of things that trap him in a rut.

6. Know your fears and conquer them. Can’t stand heights? Learn to parachute. Don’t like to dive underwater? Learn to dive. Don’t like raw fish? Eat some sushi. Force yourself to do something you don’t want to do. You will be better for it.

The bottom line? You are the captain of your own ship. Start making the decisions and get out of that rut!

Author: admin

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