In praise of age and Biden

Youth is the beautiful spring of life, full of energy and enthusiasm. Today, age in America is seen as a disability, full of pain and in need of help. The image of George H Bush skydiving for his 90th birthday is drowned out by advertisements about older people in need of home care. In that arena, Joe Biden is examined for flaws. Those pale in comparison to his worth at this time as a man experienced in ruling the United States.

Democratic presidential candidates challenging Trump have a trove of great ideas on how to remedy the damage Trump is inflicting on the country. These range from constitutional crimes to human rights abuses to the position of the United States in the world community. Add to that list his abuse of his presidential powers, his attack on the environment, and the erosion of public trust due to the lies emanating from the American White House. indeed, Democrats have a wide menu of pressing issues to address, but none stands a chance if Trump cannot be undone.

The current president of the United States, Donald Trump, openly lies and claims that deception is a negotiating tactic. A third of the country buys Trump’s side of the double talk. The other two-thirds are proud of how many can be so gullible. It takes a person who has been burned multiple times to spot the trick and know how to use it.

Circus expert PT Barnum allegedly said in the mid-19th century that a fool is born every minute. He made his mark by exhibiting made-up monsters and getting the curious to pay to see them. The current president of the United States carries out similar oddities in the form of circumventing laws and regulations. The American public pays a lot to allow a third of its people to admire legal gymnastics.

The world’s melting pot and land of opportunity leave room for a vulnerable third of its population who buy into Trump’s spin on American values. Yet the price is high for the two-thirds who care about the American basis for democracy. All they need is a leader who can show the way based on the instinct I informed through experience.

Joe Biden has been attacked for positions taken 10, 20, 30 years ago. He is held accountable for comments that set off alarms and for being deaf, out of step with current affairs. In reality, it is perception that is out of touch with reality.

Today’s media world is fast-paced. That’s the condition that put reality star con artist Donald Trump in the Oval Office. His experience told him that he could fight his way into any situation he wanted. He did just that, even if he had to work his way up to that position and use outside sources to get the job done.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, is an experienced person with higher aspirations than enriching himself. He went through the excruciating period in America’s past when racial desegregation was an uncertain ideal. He fought for social gains within the constraints of the time, while Donald Trump planned to get the best out of his next brand.

Donald Trump hasn’t changed and neither has Joe Biden. Trump is still ripping off as many Americans as possible. Joe Biden wants to stop it and get American moving again like it did under the progressive era of Barack Obama.

In his lofty position, Trump has no problem spouting inflammatory lies to move his audience. He has a large amount of shillings to help sell the story. Joe Biden has a lifetime of experience promoting the public good as opposed to those like Trump. It deserves a break in today’s media microscope.

Experience establishes a vast information infrastructure in the brain. These lay the foundation for the expressions spoken in the present. The answer to a question may take a moment to process. That’s far less than the week of media coverage given to the monstrous Hurricane Damian.

That disaster impacts thousands of lives and communities. The response of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, was to play a “short round of golf.” Considering that Damian’s disaster was his excuse for skipping an international responsibility, there is no need to process any more words of thought.

It doesn’t take Biden a week to process thoughts and produce powerful words. However, it deserves a few seconds for the process. After all, whether it’s Joe Biden or some other belt-savvy Democratic candidate, the goal is to defeat a man in the Oval Office who doesn’t take a second to process a thought into words that can sink the entire world. .

Author: admin

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