Interview with Hannah about Neopets and online games

This week’s interview is a little different, love it or hate it, Neopets is here to stay, it’s one of the biggest gaming sites on the internet and according to some sources the second most catchy. All of this means that there is a lot of pressure on the Neopets team to keep producing high-quality games.

We have Hannah (Polynomialc) with us today who is a new millionaire and we hope she will share some tips and ideas with us on how we can be as successful as she is at Neopets.

Hi Hannah, where are you from and how long have you been playing Neopets?
Hi, I’m from Florida and have been playing Neopets on and off for about 6 years now. I played when I was younger and recently rediscovered the site about 2 years ago.

What got you started?
I first heard about it from a friend, I enjoyed the fact that there was a selection of free games on a secure site.

Do you have a favorite Neopet?
Definitely! I love Aishas but I also have a soft spot for Cybunny’s ^-^

Name one thing you love and one thing you hate about Neopets.

I love the economy of Neopets, it’s interesting to see how it changes and grows. There is a wide variety of games to choose from and the Neopets team is always working to release new events and items.
What I hate most about Neopets is their lack of customer support if something goes wrong and the fact that they can be too strict with their rules.

How long ago did you become a Neomillionare?
shortly after I started playing again.

How did you do it?
Mainly through restocking, the stock market, and sometimes reselling.

Do you have any advice for aspiring New Millionaires?
My only suggestion would be to save! If you spend your NP as fast as you gain it, you will always be broke.

What stores have you found best to restock?
Stamps, Neohome stuff, baked goods, books, stuff like that.

What games do you think are the best to gain a lot of NP?
It depends, considering that the Neopoint ratio changes every month. I’ve found slots to be quite profitable, but of course it’s all luck!

Interesting choice, I didn’t know that slots had a long term profitable payout
Scorchy slots, I’m cheap and I don’t worry too much if I have a big losing streak as the stakes aren’t too high.

What do you think have been the biggest changes to Neopets since you started playing?
Neopets was sold to Viacom and they took a more entrepreneurial approach to running the site. Pets can now wear clothes and have different pieces of art. You can buy clothes for your pet, Neohome items and other things with real money in the NC mall. Some things have changed for the better, while others have not.

What do you think of KeyQuest?
It can be very profitable and very monotonous. The prizes aren’t as great as they used to be, but they still give a brush or map piece from time to time.

Do you play other games?
I don’t play many other online games however I do have a few consoles and love to play games like Pokemon, Disgaea and some FPS games like CoD or Halo. I have a Nintendo Wii, but most games for that suck. I think the only Wii game I’ve ever liked is Twilight Princess.

Ok, well, thank you for participating in this interview.
It was a pleasure.

Author: admin

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