Meditation, Dampers, Energy Blockages, Mechanical People, Essence, Gurdjieff Part 1 of 2

Gurdjieff died in 1949, about the same year as Ramana Maharshi.

Gurdjieff essentially synthesized ancient esoteric teachings and made them accessible and applicable to the lives of rational Western individuals. His concepts and methods remain fundamental in the spiritual work of the West.

A seeker will find in his teachings an immeasurable treasure, the essence of so many other teachings, both spiritual and psychological, on the inner life.

Ranging from the most intimate psychological insights to a grandiose cosmology linking the individual to the universe, this extraordinary Gurdjieff system of thought is a synthesis of practices and teachings known as The Fourth Way.

Then there is the man himself. Gurdjieff was the archetypal Teacher, radiant with extraordinary psychic powers developed in secret schools and monasteries somewhere between the Caucasus and the Himalayas; brutal perceptions that destroy the soul; wonderful humor that was both extremely raunchy and amazingly penetrating.

Gurdjieff also had a capacity for love that was matched only by his ability to express anger. He was a master hypnotist, a master actor, a master healer.

Those who encountered him often had conflicting ideas of who he was, usually as a result of his own willful behavior.

Like many Masters, Gurdjieff sometimes gave the impression of being a charlatan or a madman to arrogant and selfish individuals, while to others he was the most enlightened man they had ever met.

His radiant energy, the Master’s Buddha field, always acted on people’s negative energies to drive people away with a lot, and attracted people with a lot of good and positive soul energy.

In such a way, as with all the Masters, Gurdjieff consciously separated the weeds from the good grains!

This powerful Master Gurdjieff, with eyes that penetrated to the depths of the soul, was also an old man whose pockets were full of sweets for children.

He worked with many methods, to bypass the mind, he worked with dance, Gurdjieff said, “I am a simple dance master.” Devi Dhyani has performed performances of “The Sacred Dances of Gurdjieff” to radiate her Buddha-field more strongly, to expel the bad and energize the good.

And when he explained the theory of the evolution of substances like hydrogens and oxygens in Ouspensky’s book, “The Fourth Way”, Gurdjieff was simply misleading him, taking a very long intellectual theory to tell the intellectual Ouspensky and anyone else who read it, to avoid the mind, “You need the radiation of a Master to speed up your evolution!”

His main concepts were energy buffers or blockages, mechanical people, subpersonalities, and the personality or essence of the soul.

mechanical people. For Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, the mechanical people are the mass of humanity and are asleep in their true condition and virtually incapable of change. “By himself, he is just an automaton with a certain reserve of memories of previous experiences and a certain amount of reserve energy.”

Everything happens to us like puppets pulled by invisible strings.

Subpersonalities. Another central idea of ​​Gurdjieff is that the individual is not one. We do not have a permanent “I” or ego. Every thought, feeling, sensation, desire is an “I” or sub-personality that he believes to be the whole person.

However, none of these ‘I’s are connected and each is dependent on changing external circumstances. To make matters worse, there are often impenetrable defenses between each “I” that the Work calls “buffers” or “Energy Blocks” that separate these subpersonalities or Alters from one another.

Gurdjieff states that one of the biggest mistakes we make is our illusion about our unity. Gurdjieff writes: “His ‘I’ changes as rapidly as his thoughts, feelings and moods, and he makes the profound mistake of always considering himself one and the same person; in reality he is always a different person, not the one he was.” A while ago.”

Each of our thoughts and desires lives separately and independently of the whole. According to Gurdjieff, we are made up of thousands of separate selves, often unknown to each other, and sometimes mutually exclusive and hostile to each other.

The alternation of selves is controlled by accidental external influences. There is nothing in usable to control the change of selves, mainly because we don’t notice it. Each separate self calls itself “I” and acts on behalf of the whole person. This explains why people make decisions so often and rarely carry them out.

Gurdjieff cured alcoholism and drug addiction, the addictive subpersonalities of rich young people through hypnotism, and once the family of one of them paid him an oil tanker for his work. But eliminating ALL subpersonalities and accessing the one Soul Personality in Enlightenment requires much more conscious work on the part of the student.

Essence, soul personality and personality. To clearly see the roots of our psychological distortions, Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way defines two aspects of the individual: the essence and the multitude of fleeting subpersonalities. The essence, the personality of the soul, is what a person is born with, the subpersonalities are those that are acquired, generally by some traumatic event, generally in childhood that separates the infant subpersonality from the trunk of the Soul.

Everything that is learned, both unconsciously by imitation and by acquired likes and dislikes, constitutes the external part of the person, which is modified by external circumstances. Although personality is necessary, it must not be allowed to dominate essence or it will produce artificial personas, subpersonalities separated from their true natures, or the soul itself.

“This means that with rapid and early personality growth, essence growth can practically stop at a very young age, and as a result we see men and women who are outwardly quite old, but whose essence remains at the age of ten. or twelve years. “The Energy Enhancement concept of the inner child that needs to be healed before he can grow up.

Through the practice of Soul Contact Meditation and increased energy, we can separate ourselves from the pretenses and imitations that have enslaved us since childhood and return to who we really are.

Such a return to our essential nature is accompanied by a sense of liberation like no other. “Be true to yourself” is the first commandment on the path of self-development and the achievement of higher consciousness.

The fundamental abnormality in human beings lies precisely in the divergence between personality and soul-essence. The more we know ourselves for what we are, the closer we come to wisdom.

The more our imagination about ourselves diverges from what we really are, the crazier we become: Gurdjieff, “Unless a man first finds himself, finds his own essential nature and destiny, and starts from them, all his efforts and achievements will be built only on the arena of personality, and at the first serious shock the whole structure will collapse, perhaps destroying him in his fall.”

Examples of shocks are disappointment and grief. Only the ego gets hurt. The Soul personality is never affected by disappointment or grief. These are two of the proofs that this must be so within you!

The soul – essence is the totality of the moments of self-awareness during life. However, moments of higher consciousness are very rare and disappear as soon as they arrive. Once again, the reason such self-awareness is so elusive is that it depends on the conscious use of attention.

Gurdjieff required each person to verify the teachings for himself based on his personal observations and experiences. That is why he rarely mentioned the idea of ​​”God” even though he called his teaching “esoteric Christianity”.

His task was to help people free themselves from all that is false and imaginary so that they could become receptive to their higher self and enter unknown dimensions of consciousness for themselves through liberation from the tyranny of their ego.

It is for this reason that Gurdjieff was so ruthless with his students. He crushed the vanity and artifice of the sub-personalities, mocking those who thought they understood something. As we say at Energy Enhancement, “It’s only the ego that gets hurt!”

Gurdjieff differentiated between two ways of knowing: knowing and understanding. The first is from the head, the second is the one that takes root in our being and transforms us. In fact, he humbled many prideful egos and broke people’s confidence in their own importance.

Gurdjieff ripped apart our most cherished beliefs with astonishing force and irreverence, wounded our vanities with brutal honesty, and called us on that ultimate journey into awareness of who we are and who we are meant to be.

His “toast to idiots” stung the ego but gave great insight to the humble on where to begin spiritual work.

Behind the exotic masks of Gurdjieff, the Eastern magician-rogue-teacher, there was great compassion. Children and animals felt it, while seekers of all kinds and types found healing and new life from its sometimes strange requirements.

Gurdjieff came to awaken us with unwavering affection and help us access our deepest selves. Nobody leaves unaltered from the teachings of this intense Master who has taught us to discover someone even more elusive than himself: the true nature of our being.

Energy Enhancement is an ancient and effective meditative technique from 5000 years of successful spiritual technology comprising Kundalini Kriyas, Soul Contact, Grounding of Negative Energies and Energy Blocks and sub-personality Inner Children, and more!

Author: admin

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