Mesmerizing words that never fail

There are a couple of hypnotizing words that never fail. When you use these words in the right way, you will always be able to tilt people’s minds and thoughts in the direction you want.

Before we look at the words themselves, it’s important that you understand some fundamental psychological principles that come into play here. Because that’s what persuasion is all about: understanding and influencing human nature.

Words are the building blocks of consciousness, and if you understand this, you will be able to manipulate other people’s thoughts and emotions.

One of the first things you want to do is always make a hypnotic subject comfortable around you so that it evokes a sense of familiarity and trust. This will make everything else much easier and smoother. There are many ways to make people like and trust you, the most popular systematic approach is known as rhythm and lead, from the field of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming).

If you don’t know what this is, just doing a quick search online will help you find plenty of explanations. But once you have successfully established trust and confidence, what can you do to have a hypnotic effect on another person?

At the beginning of this article, you read that these always help influence other people if used in the right way. Now, what exactly is the correct path?

The correct form simply means that you use your non-verbal communication to reinforce and complement your words. Scientists know that about 80% of what you communicate is non-verbal. So it is important that you keep this in mind.

When using hypnotic words, pay close attention to your intonation – make sure you use a down inflection so it sounds like a command, rather than a question or neutral statement.

One of the most powerful hypnotic words is the simple word now. It instantly amplifies any command, and we have been mentally conditioned since childhood that the word now make an important point. When, for example, our parents used the word now, in many cases this meant that this was the end of all negotiation and discussion. Make conscious use of the word. now more often to strengthen your commands, and you will see that people will follow you more obediently.

Another type of hypnotic words are countdowns. For some reason, countdowns have an almost magical power over us. Many of us associate it with images of the beginning of a space shuttle, or something else that is of great significance and importance, and that is meticulously planned and executed.

Another hypnotic word is the simple word because. It’s extremely powerful when it comes to motivating people to do something, because when we’re given a reason why we do something, we’re much more inclined to do it, rather than when we’re simply told or ordered to do something.

Author: admin

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