Pitbull Digging Problems

Dogs love to dig holes, and that’s fine, as long as it’s in a park and not in your own backyard. No one wants an ugly yard that has been completely dug up. If you have a garden like me, it can be even more complicated. Whatever your situation, you need your pitbull to stop digging holes everywhere, so what can be done? You have come to the right place.

First, you need to recognize why canines dig holes. They do it out of boredom, to relieve stress, as a way to release energy, or just to cool down on a hot day. It’s quite remarkable, one hot day I left Max in the backyard while he went shopping. When I got back, I noticed that he had dug several holes and was lying in one when he came around the back to let him in. I inquired and my vet friend informed me that dogs like to feel cool earth against their skin. I made sure to keep it inside on a hot day.

A more common reason for digging problems is that the dog feels bored. Have you been taking him out for a walk every day? Have you or your family paid any attention to it? Have you been playing with it? He may be bored and try to get your attention. Take time out of his schedule to pay attention to your pit bull. After all, we all want attention from time to time.

Most people don’t realize this, but Pit Bulls have a lot of energy, more so than other dogs. They dig holes because they are just trying to release some energy. As mentioned above, take him for a walk, take him to a park, buy him a new toy, or teach him a new trick. It will really help bond you as a canine enthusiast and man’s best friend.

Pitbulls are very human oriented. They love humans and are very loyal to their masters. Make sure you don’t neglect your canine. You may be busy, but the dog doesn’t get it, so Fido can take out his frustration by digging. He doesn’t know better, he’s just trying to keep busy. Be sure to release the energy these dogs have in a positive way. Going to a park can be just as beneficial for you as it is for him. You can meet lots of other dog lovers, which means new friends for you and playmates for your pitbull. Learn more about how to deal with your pitbull’s digging problem today.

Author: admin

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