Predator proof your rabbit hutch

As classic prey animals, rabbits that spend time in outdoor hutches must protect themselves from any predators present in the area. Rabbit owners who purchase commercially available rabbit hutches may find that some appear to be more “predator proof” than others.

There are single level rabbit hutches with a wooden sitting area along with an attached wire enclosure exercise area. The entire unit rests on the ground and if not properly anchored a powerful predator such as a large dog could tip it over.

Two-tiered rabbit hutches feature a variety of styles of attractive weather-resistant wooden enclosures with a wire-fenced exercise area directly below them. Ramps allow your rabbit to come and go and some of the living areas feature additional rooms and even storage compartments where owners can keep their supplies. Although generally heavier than single-tier models, these hutches are still susceptible to tipping, albeit less so.

Commercially available rabbit hutches claim to keep your prized pet rabbit safe from predators, but none of them take into account one facet of predator behavior: predators in a variety of sizes can dig!

Many rabbit owners feel that their outdoor rabbit hutches are safe from large predators as secure fencing encloses their outdoor areas. It is true that it would be difficult for a large dog to find a gap in the fence, but they can find a weak point and work their way under it. Once inside their fenced area, they find a potential meal waiting for them in the cabin. Any outdoor rabbit hutch with a wire enclosure resting on the ground is subject to a predator digging under the wire enclosure and entering. Smaller predators like raccoons, foxes, and even cats are more likely to break through the fence barrier and dig in as well. So how do you protect your rabbit hutch from a burrowing predator?

Not an easy task, but if your location has a significant number of free roaming predators, it’s essential. The basic idea is to dig a trench around the base of the hutch and add wood or wire of enough length to force the predator to dig deeper.

Wire is the most difficult material to use, as it is more difficult to cut and its flexibility makes it more difficult to place in the trench in a straight line; you will then need to secure additional protection to the existing hutch material. If your rabbit hutch has a strip of wood around the base, additional wire protection can be secured directly to the wood. Wire-to-wire connection requires appropriate hardware, such as spaced U-bolts around the perimeter.

Wood treated with weather resistant preservatives is much easier to install. Cut the wood to the desired length and width and then either screw the additional guard to the existing wood perimeter or screw the existing wire perimeter to the wood. An added benefit of doing this is that the hutch is also more resistant to tipping. Most rabbit owners have a deep affection for these wonderful pets and keeping them safe is a concern for them. Taking this step, while difficult, will go a long way in ensuring the safety of your pet rabbit.

Author: admin

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