Shih Tzu Rescue – Adopt a cute and cuddly Shih Tzu now

With its beautiful coat, spoiled charm, and the way it is held, the Shih Tzu has been regarded by many as a royal pet. The furry coating they wear makes them so soft to the touch and unimaginably great for cuddling. It’s no wonder that many pet owners, even those who don’t own a dog of this breed, are mesmerized by a Shih Tzu. The appeal has a lot to do with the gorgeous cape that you can brush all day, put on little accessories, and show off; This breed has been called a purse dog, due to its transport size.

When you haven’t been exposed to this breed much, you may want to reconsider getting another one, as this is not the usual large or medium dog that can handle loud play and be left alone. This breed can be mistaken for a stuffed toy and can be squashed as such. If this is the first time you own and train a dog of this breed, you may find out on your own how difficult it is to force, through punishment over time, a Shih Tzu to do your bidding – you need to create an environment where he will be drawn to do what you want him to do. But it would stay on your lap all day, and that’s really a plus in the small companion dog department.

Despite these characteristics, from the soft gaze of that dog that melts many hearts, to the lush fur that you want to comb all day and cuddle, many dogs of this breed end up in a Shih Tzu rescue. These animals are orphaned in many ways: their owners leave them behind when they move, or give them to friends, and some are simply found roaming the streets hungry and cold.

Although most of the dogs in a Shih Tzu rescue are adults, if you visit enough shelters, you could be lucky enough to find a liter of healthy puppies ready for adoption. What you decide to do has consequences, either way: adopting an adult dog from a shelter and helping the shelter allow more dogs to benefit from its resources, or buying from a Shih Tzu breeder to get the genuine breed and lineage you want. you need.

There is a lot of money to be made selling puppies designed for wayward owners for cash, but instead shelter staff are providing a transitional home for these abandoned dogs, some of them injured and traumatized. Learn about yours and the fact that many dogs can be euthanized due to limited resources and the growing number of abandoned dogs. When you adopt from a rescue, you make room for other dogs to use the facilities to recover from neglect, emotionally and physically. Let your home be the place where they can recover and your company the one that takes care of them that an orphan dog needs.

Because shelters are limited in their resources, one way to increase their capacity to host and care for orphaned dogs is to enlist the help of foster homes – the dogs live in these homes until they can find a good owner. Be sure to speak with the staff, as they may have good advice on caring for this breed; that’s a big help in case you’re new to this breed (as many first-time owners are used to larger dogs).

Author: admin

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