Somebody stole your man, play dirty to get him back

How to steal your man from someone else

So your boyfriend left you for another girl. It happens to the best of us. When this happens, there is a period of time when you want it back. You may want him back because you really miss him (poor, silly), or you may want him back so you can torture him (sneaky, dishonest). Whatever the reason you came across this article, because that is what you intend to do, for better or for worse. If you want your ex to come back and is already in the arms of another girl, then you will have to play dirty to do it. If this is acceptable to you, here is a devilish step-by-step method to get the cheater back.

1. Be nice to him.

You should be friends with your ex, or at least pretend that you are. This is very important in the grand scheme of things. He must believe that you are okay with what has happened and that you only want to be friends if possible. Use the old spiel: We’ve been in each other’s lives for too long not to be friends. Whatever you have to say to make this happen … say it.

2. Living well is the best revenge.

You must act as if you have gone your way and are much happier without it. Make him believe that he has done you a favor. This is essential. Keep emailing him, but keep it light without talking about reconciliation. If you do see it, make sure you are dressed to kill and look rushed like you have something more important to do.

3. Give clues about confidence, character, and karma.

Make sure you create a scenario where the ex needs to come over to your house and have a beer. Launch a casual conversation with laughter and then take it lightly that I’m a cheating jerk and say something like, “Seriously, I’m not worried about that anymore. Karma will solve everything. You cheat on me, you will be deceived.” Then after saying it, act like you can’t believe you did it and then apologize and say you drank too much. Then tell him he should go.

4. Double date with destiny.

Borrow, hire or steal the hottest guy who can act outright and you know is going to have an accidental double date or reunion. Make sure the man has been prepared to give your ex a look and then the “you left this for that” look.

The type of man who leaves one girl for another is the type of man who wants to be respected by his peers. Seeing your ex look better than your current girlfriend is a blow to the ego. Knowing that another man knows what happened and belittles him is a blow to the ego. Knowing that your ex is happier without him is a blow to the ego. All of this will create a problem in your garden paradise for which you will be an understanding ear. Eventually, he will tell you that he made a mistake. What you do from there is up to you.

Author: admin

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