Surgery for Feline Urinary Tract Infections

There are no surgeries for feline urinary tract infections. Usually, antibiotics are prescribed and the infection clears up. If your cat has frequent urinary tract infections, there may be irritation caused by tiny crystals that form and irritate the lining of the bladder or ureters. Surgery is sometimes required for this problem if the blockage cannot be removed with a catheter. If the stones are too large, surgery is needed to remove them.

Feline urinary tract infection can be the result of bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, urinary stones, blockages, cancer, stress, or even diet. Sometimes the infection can get better even if no treatment is given. However, if your cat seems to be having problems, don’t wait for veterinary treatment because infections can progress to the kidneys or a blockage can cause a toxic buildup in the bladder, making the problem life-threatening.

The symptoms are similar to infections and bladder obstructions. The cat licks itself trying to relieve the pain, does not use the litter box, has very little or no urine and cries out in pain, or the cat may have blood in its urine. Cystitis can occur in both male and female cats and is also called FUS or Feline Urologic Syndrome or FLUTD, Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease.

Special diets can help dissolve the crystals if they are small enough, but you should make sure your cat increases her water intake, reduces stress, and eliminates dry food. If your cat doesn’t drink a lot of water, you can try mixing water with her canned food.

Surgery for feline urinary tract infections is performed if there are obstructions due to crystals that form in the bladder stones and cannot be pushed through or flushed out of the urethra with a catheter. Cats that have had a blockage are prone to recurrent stones or infections, so your vet may recommend surgery. Surgery will not prevent infection, and complications such as nerve damage, incontinence, or scar tissue may result.

Sometimes all it takes is a change in diet plus a homeopathic remedy to control pH levels and help with urine flow. Wouldn’t you rather try a simple preventative remedy that has been proven to work than an expensive surgical procedure?

Author: admin

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