The beauty of marble floors and granite finishing in the home

Wonderful house with natural stones gives it a royal and decent look. These days, the use of glass and steel is popular for home exteriors. However, the tradition of using natural stones, especially marble and granite, is always out of competition. It is the elegant appearance and the finish provided by the marbles that attracts the attention of many people. Marble is used to express one’s strength, wealth and greatness. They symbolize the art of real life in palatial houses. Natural stones are used for their longevity and durability. Marbles and natural stones used in home construction save houses from decay.

The use of natural stone and granite slabs is popular for countertops, walls, floors, mantles, and kitchen slabs. Green granite and black granite are often installed for kitchen slabs. It is also due to its spectrum of colors that range from soft beiges and pinks and classic blacks and whites to rich corals, greens, and multicolors.

Natural stones, marbles, and granites can be polished, honed, or flamed to serve distinctive purposes. The polished finish has a shiny surface that reflects light and emphasizes the color of the stone. They are used for walls, furniture covers and tiles. The polished finish is a smooth satin surface with light reflection. Marble imparts a sophisticated look, elegance and style at the same time. Silicate-based green marbles are not sensitive to citric acid and other kitchen spills. Green marble, for example, is loaded with serpentine, while red marble is the result of a mixture of hematite. The yellow marble is filled with limonite, and the blue marble is hydroweighted. Stone is a strong and exquisite flooring material. Marble is denser, more durable, and is ideal for building homes.

Marble is used for flooring due to its increased susceptibility to scratching, etching, and staining. White marbles such as Italian Statuary, Calcutta’s, Carrere Venation, Damascus Red, and Breech de Vendome are quite popular. Granite, due to its hardness and heat resistance, is used in the kitchen.

Marble floors require little care. Even if it is full of dirt and grease, the shine of the marble remains the same. Polished and polished diamond marble has always been liked by everyone. Natural stones are not lightweight so their chances of breaking are less as well. However, at first, the installation of natural stones is expensive but they are for a lifetime. The immense beauty and attractive colors make them superior to everything else.

Author: admin

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