The best way to learn English for TEFL students and others

Many think that learning English is a daunting task, but I like to think of it as a fun and enjoyable challenge that takes students into an exciting new paradigm, the metaphorical home of the linguistic superhero. First of all, students tend to take the study of English too seriously, not that it is a subject to be taken lightly; however, English is a barrel of laughter and great fun if we can all laugh at our mistakes and rejoice at our own creations, just as Shakespeare did with his inexhaustible sense of humor. So that students can rid themselves of the doom and sadness that wreaks havoc around them, and so that they can feel free from fear, I would like to share helpful tips that will lead students down the path of a superhero, such as Ulysses the star of epic Greek poetry. Therefore, students will not have to say “It is Greek to me”, a statement in English that means that it is not understood.

Learning English is a mission and a vision, whether you are a teacher or a student, because this language will allow you to reach new outstanding heights while opening you up to a whole new literary, technological, culinary and even scientific world. Your teachers probably aren’t teaching for money, as they likely appreciate the satisfaction that comes from empowering their students. For example, teaching English enables researchers and surgeons to be successful in what they do. Teachers’ gifts return to them in unique ways other than monetary, such as when they receive recognition or benefit from a new scientific discovery. For this reason and others, most teachers try to provide their students with techniques that they can use in the future after they have completed their English for Speakers of Other Languages ​​courses.

With that in mind, let’s explore the ways students can learn English on their own. First of all, it helps to have a tutor who is willing to point out the areas you need to explore (your weaknesses, for example). A teacher who truly cares will help you identify mistakes without making you feel bad. It should not be a teacher who reprimands the student, but one who facilitates the student’s development, both intellectually and creatively. In other words, your teacher should free you from some mistakes while showing you a fantastic world of words in literary context.

Native English speakers have a best kept secret, their love of literature of all genres, from poetry to romance, science fiction and more. Their schools spend more time on literary analysis of fictional literature than on grammar itself. Therefore, this ongoing conversation that takes place in class refers to the elements of the English style, be it informal or formal, conversational or written. Once a student has learned a basic vocabulary of approximately 1500 words, they are ready to explore literature at a basic level until the student reaches a more advanced level.

Some politicians and educators declare that fiction is useless. Such a belief is narrow-minded because fiction not only expands vocabulary, but also allows English learners to consider various points of view in a variety of settings, whether in the old fictional world of the past or in the future. Fiction allows students to question the world around them while developing notions that branch out into other domains such as science and technology. Therefore, the first and main method to improve your knowledge of English is, without a doubt, literary exploration.

In addition to learning English through fiction, students should regularly read nonfiction articles in the news and academic magazines. It is better to choose the length of the article based on the attention span of each, so if you prefer a short article, you can go for a 500 word article. As the student’s attention span increases, they can choose much longer and more detailed articles, even scholarly journals from researchers. The more subjects read, the more vocabulary specific to a variety of subjects is developed.

Today’s students can benefit from “Ted Talks,” which are easily found online. These 15-20 minute talks cover a wide variety of academic topics and come with an easily downloadable transcript with notes. I highly recommend these lectures, delivered by native and non-native speakers who are experts in their fields, to my students no matter what their proficiency levels are. Other similar sites with free lectures are likely to appear in the future. Students can explore some of the free lessons offered online by various universities located in the United States, in England, and in other English-speaking countries.

Students would be remiss if they did not explore some movies that can be viewed in English. Amazon, Netflix, Tubi TV, You Tube, and similar sites offer movies in various accents from various English-speaking countries. By watching movies and listening to them in their original language, students will improve their ability to understand the words that come out of the mouths of others.

It should not be forgotten that students need to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Speaking and writing are productive skills, while reading and listening are comprehension skills. Some students excel at producing language while others excel at understanding language. As students attempt to study on their own, they are required to do activities that address these four categories of language production and comprehension.

To develop their production skills, students are advised to write to English-speaking penpals and attend events where they will meet other English speakers for conversation. It is also quite easy to chat with an English speaker via online video chat. There are people all over the world who are ready and willing to help students practice. In some cases, this assistance is free, but professional teachers must charge a reasonable fee. Instead of paying for expensive schools, it is sometimes wise to hire educated teachers (those with college credentials) who give private lessons. Alternatively, there are people with TEFL and CELTA credentials who have learned to teach English through a shorter period of study; they are also effective instructors who are ready to teach both online and in face-to-face classes. Regardless of the choice made when choosing a school or teacher, the individual learning style of the student must be taken into account. Therefore, it would be wise to ask your potential instructor what they know about meeting student needs.

Numerous online books and digital activities help students better understand grammar. Some students prefer a book with the answers at the end; while others prefer the participation of a live teacher who provides feedback when students solve grammar problems out loud. Grammar is still important, but students cannot and should not rely solely on grammar when English has so many idioms, phrasal verbs, and unique forms of personal expression.

Although teachers and schools remain important sources of learning, students must be proactive because students are ultimately responsible for their own learning. Teachers who act as facilitators (who facilitate learning by giving students advice on effective learning strategies) are important agents of change that go beyond the call of duty for the good of humanity and for better human relationships. Students should remember to seek answers with an active mind that employees will investigate.

Author: admin

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