The easiest and hardest part of telephone sales

Tea Ask. Yes… both the easiest and the hardest part of selling the phone. Quite an interesting puzzle, right? Yes again, but let’s look at this further. Selling phones is as much an art as it is a science and it follows a logical path (perhaps a bit non-linear at times, but there is an end goal nonetheless). Depending on the solution you offer to the potential customer, there is usually a period before the question.

Present the Purpose of the Call Clearly and Directly
For starters, remember to accomplish (when and if possible) the goal of making the call. This may be to schedule an appointment, to introduce yourself, your business and product and/or service, or to speak with the decision maker. By stating the purpose of the call (and thus moving toward the goal of the call), you minimize wasting time with uninterested, unqualified prospects and maximize your ability to make more calls, reach more people, and close more sales. Here’s a good tip: It often helps (actually, the value of having this is more than I can put into words) to have a script available during the call in case it gets diverted. Scripts help you stay focused and move the call forward.

Listen before you ask the question
Unless you are a telemarketer and intend to bombard your prospects with a “Canned” message regardless of their responses, then by all means spray. OK, jokes aside, before you do the Ask, listen… listen… listen. Here’s the key to listening when making a sales call: don’t, I repeat, don’t respond to the prospect in your head while they’re speaking. don’t. Here’s why: You’ll learn that by keeping your mind calm and clear without interrupting the prospect in their head or verbally, you’ll have given them something that will often be fully reciprocated: “Uninterrupted response time.” Sounds weird… yes, but does it work? Oh yeah. I learned this technique from Stephen Schiffmann and it really works.

Remember, plan the call (set a goal and use a script), initiate contact, state the purpose of your call directly and clearly, and listen. After listening both consciously and subconsciously, if and when appropriate, do the question.

Author: admin

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