The nature of reality 101

Is the time! I really feel that it is time for us to take a look at what the true reality is. Unfortunately, I am forced to use the same example as everyone else because to date there has only been one similar example and it was a very good one and that is: The Earth is round!

Long ago people used to think that the earth was flat. I very vividly remember a model or maybe a picture of a model of a flat earth in a dome with the stars, moon and sun glued to the ceiling. They thought ships would fall overboard if they traveled to the horizon and we laughed! I think people may laugh at us one day when they see a globe, a model of what we think the Earth looks like.
Before you put a bee in your hat, think about how Galileo was ridiculed when he came along and told flat-earth thinkers that he believes the Earth is a huge ball, sitting in space, traveling around the globe. sun.

Well, for some time now, scientists and quantum physicists have been trying to tell us that all is not what it seems. Most of us ignore their claims or just write them off as nonsense. Well, a lot of what they have to say is gaining some support, I mean, some people are starting to pick up on it and see it as true. I think we shouldn’t bury our heads in the sand, but at least give it some consideration in case they’re right.

Before looking at some of the things that are spreading. Let me prepare the ground.

First of all, we know for a fact that our 5 senses do not experience everything that happens around us.

Let’s take sight for example; we see the five colors of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. ROY G BIV is the first acronym I remember learning and it was easy for me to be called Roy. We know that there is much more going on than we can see with the naked eye. Infrared is a spectrum that we can see with special glasses and there are many more that we are aware of but cannot see: ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays, for example. Then, when we talk about hearing, we know for a fact that dogs and cats are more present than we are, and so are bats and dolphins. So, we can already see that there is much more going on than meets the eye, literally.

So let’s take a look at some of what is being said. Well, first of all, over 50 years ago, Albert Einstein said some outrageous things: “Reality is simply an illusion, albeit a very persistent one,” for example. Physicist John Wheeler, a former colleague of Einstein’s, has stated that “although it is useful in everyday circumstances to say that the world exists ‘out there’ independently of us, that view can no longer be held.” More recently, physics professor Fred Alan Wolf has stated that “there is no ‘out there'”. Physics professor Amit Goswami states that “Energy, Consciousness and Matter are the same thing”.

These are pretty radical statements, but are they more radical than someone saying the earth is round when you and your parents and grandparents grew up knowing it was flat?

There are things that move, there are changes underway. We can’t just ignore it or leave these things up to someone else to make sense of. We need to investigate them and make some kind of decision about them. I found out about these things while researching the validity of the law of attraction and now I have discovered that the law of attraction is the tip of a huge mind-boggling iceberg.

I haven’t decided yet how much deeper I’ll go into this topic on my blog, but I felt I should at least bring to your attention some of the things that are “moving”. I feel like part of self mastery and personal growth is being aware of what is out there and in this case trying to determine if there is something out there or not! Although this blog is not religious (by far) I feel this quote, also from my friend Albert, is relevant: “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.

Author: admin

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