The truth about squalene

Squalene is a polyunsaturated hydrocarbon in the form of a colorless and odorless oil with hydrophilic antioxidant properties. It is mainly used in the cosmetic industry and is currently being incorporated into vaccines. Lately, it is also being studied for its anticancer effects. The role of squalene in nature has to do with the biosynthesis of steroids in animals and plants.

Where does it come from?

Squalene is very abundant in nature and even in the human body, but it can be found in large quantities in the liver of deep-sea sharks. The liver of deep-sea sharks is made up of 90% squalene and is used to control their buoyancy underwater. Sharks living in shallow waters have been found to contain no squalene in their livers. Squalene oil has gained recognition in both medicine and cosmetics. Because of this, sharks are being slaughtered for liver oil for liver. Livering is the method of removing the shark’s liver and throwing the carcass back into the sea. Environmental and animal rights groups have spoken out, prompting companies to seek plant-based or non-shark sources of squalene, such as extra virgin olive oil.

for cancer

Extensive studies have found that squalene oil can be used in the treatment of various diseases and can strengthen the immune system and can even fight cancer. This assumption started with the fact that shark species have never experienced cancer. However, it has recently been discovered that sharks do, in fact, get cancer. A great white shark has been found with a cancerous tumor. But the fact is that squalene can decrease the risk of oncogene mutation in the body. It also helps remove toxic metabolites and free radicals and may help alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy.

for the skin

Squalene oil is commonly used in skin beauty products as it can protect skin from ultraviolet radiation and oxidation. Due to this protection, it is also believed to possess anti-aging effects. Human skin is made up of 12% squalene and it decreases as we age. Squalene keeps the skin hydrated, supple and reduces the formation of wrinkles. However, it becomes unstable when exposed to oxygen. To correct this, squalane was created. Pure squalane oil can heal rashes, eczema, psoriasis, stretch marks, and is an excellent moisturizer, although it can be a bit pricey.

Side effects

Acute and chronic toxicity tests have concluded that squalene is extremely safe. However, it can be comedogenic, especially olive squalene, so its consumption would not be advisable for people with acne-prone skin.

Author: admin

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