Value of traditional games versus computers

In this day and age, many parents are plagued by their children’s video game addiction. There seems to be no way for your child to stop using the computer or the console. Parents must take a more proactive role that must also be preventive. It is important not to turn video games into a villain, as they are fun and useful ways to pass time that have been shown to improve a child’s problem-solving ability. The key point should be moderation and not abstinence. It is also of primary importance that there are alternative sources of entertainment so that children do not lose valuable play time.

Here are some important reasons why traditional games are helpful in addressing video game addiction.

1. Traditional games are good exercise

These games generally involve running or jumping or some form of physical activity, as traditional games were played before the era of sedentary entertainment. Exercise benefits your child in many ways and keeps him active and healthy. It also improves athletic ability and endurance. Exercise has also long been associated with developing cognitive function, which means your child will be smarter.

2. Traditional games help keep culture alive

In many ways, traditional games are culturally influenced and vary from place to place. They may involve singing traditional songs or certain practices that have deep cultural roots. Children must grow up and be able to associate their childhood with where and with whom they grew up. It is important that there be some kind of cultural totem in their childhood so that they have a sense of pride in their homeland.

3. These games provide social contact.

Traditional games are often played in groups. Children grow up playing these games with their neighbors, friends, and family, and these games create bonds and social understanding that is critical to success in life. Computer games don’t involve as much social contact, so it is best to have some social component in your child’s playtime.

Four. These games can be played anywhere.

Traditional games are easy to play and can be played almost anywhere. In most cases, they do not require any toys or items and even if they are required, they are inexpensive compared to consoles and games. The only thing necessary for these games is people to play them and a space in which to play them.

As you can see from the facts mentioned above, there is a distinct advantage to introducing your child to traditional games. These games are timeless and almost always fun because they are based on the imagination and energy that is present in almost all children.

Author: admin

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