What is your history as a financial advisor?

Remember Ben Franklin’s definition of insanity; “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

I take the liberty of changing the appointment to read;

“Doing the same thing over and over with the same limiting beliefs, limiting unmet emotions and needs, and expecting a different result.”

Your story was invented and imprinted on your mind long ago by the experiences and people that were in your life and you have been working and working to disprove the story ever since only to recreate and print the same story or a similar story over and over. time. again.

Your limiting beliefs, memories, perceptions, and internal scripts fit into your story that was deeply impressed on you long ago. Functional or not, all internal limiting beliefs, memories, perceptions and scripts are the foundation or foundation upon which you establish all the meaning of your life. To make you feel safe, you will continue to recreate your story in some way, shaping or shaping, repeating the same behaviors over and over again even if they don’t work.

My survival story was based on what my father told me when I was 7 or 8 years old, “You will never have money.” One day he also told me, “You are so selfish, what are people going to think of you”. These two imprinted beliefs were said after my mother and father found me on a mechanical pony ride at a department store while they were shopping. I was having the best time of my life. I had won a dollar in a long-forgotten competition and the money was burning all over my pocket, so I exchanged it for dimes and rode a pony while I waited for my mother and father. No, in later years I did not go to the race track. 🙂 In fact, I’ve never been to one.

This was one of the first examples of trying to get money to buy myself happiness. From a young age I believed that money would buy me happiness. I was holding the dollar bill for quite some time and it didn’t make me any happier. So I thought I’d get rid of him on the pony. On a deeper level, I probably felt that something was wrong with me because money didn’t make me happy to be satisfied, which is what a lot of people do.

Money doesn’t make them happy, so they go shopping. Some are deadly and some are materials that include; business, spouse, children, friends, home, wardrobe, cars, cabin, boat, timeshare, the two – three holidays a year, golf membership, personal trainer and their Investments – Do You Really Feel Satisfied?

So why did I want to get rid of the money I thought I wanted? If you have heard me speak, you will remember my story from when I was 8 years old. My mother used to come to see me and tell me that there was no money for food or for Christmas. That my father had gone and did it again, that he had bought too much and not sold enough. My mother and father were constantly fighting over money.

So I thought that if I could get any of that, I would be happy and satisfied. On the contrary, once I got some money and when it didn’t make me feel happy and satisfied, it reminded me how unhappy and dissatisfied I really was, so I had to get rid of it for something else.

I started at a very young age with the imprint of my story of not feeling happy and fulfilled. This fueled my need to sell, which I worked very hard to create the results. Then I created the result. So what I thought. I don’t feel happy or fulfilled. Then I better buy the following. I still do not feel happy or fulfilled and, what is worse, I have no money or time and people do not appreciate me and what will people think! Better work and work and work and sell and sell and sell.

Versus building a strong personal foundation by working with a coach and building a business.

Subconsciously you keep remembering the story and related stories and you keep working and working and working to prove that the story is correct. Without realizing it, you associate all the meaning of your life and your business based on this story and you will work and work and work to your disadvantage in the long run to validate this story.

Your story in essence validates your needs, beliefs, and emotions, and you will mistrust, ignore, disbelieve, invalidate, and even attack anything that doesn’t fit your survival pattern.

Your story has become your religion. Note that I did not say God.

Because that’s what you’re trying to do, it’s survive and come from the place of survival, that’s all you will do. However, you will survive in a good way having the business, the spouse, the children, the friends, the house, the wardrobe, the cars, the cabin, the boat, the timeshare, the two or three vacations a year, the membership of Golf. , the personal trainer and your investments: are you really satisfied?

“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”, even if it doesn’t work, is the safe and predictable thing to do, and it misleads you into thinking it’s being effective.

When you consider expanding your comfort zone, it is always unpredictable and will probably make you feel even more anxious, so you better go back to the devil you know.

The repeating patterns of “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”, while not working, are familiar.

The familiar and predictable locks you into another set of limiting beliefs of “maybe this is destiny” or “maybe this is all there is” or “maybe I wasn’t destined to be the success I want.”

The familiar and predictable locks you into repeated patterns of safety and survival trying to meet your needs, combined with limiting beliefs and limiting emotions sabotages your vision, dreams, creativity, and intention, all of which lead to despair and increasingly routine. deep.

What is the difference between a routine and a grave? 6 ft. The compounding repetition and familiarity of this story have become its jailer.

Your story today is that you are probably struggling and holding on to what you have. What you have has become who you are and you are maintaining your story to survive, even if survival doesn’t work out, which could, in the end, have long-term consequences.

Author: admin

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