Why does my dog ​​eat poop? Please help!

Coprophagia is the correct terminology for eating poop. Lots of dogs, especially young puppies, do this and while it looks pretty disgusting to humans, you have to understand that dogs are different. The answer to the question why does my dog ​​eat poop is not a single answer. There could be many reasons why your dog is snacking in the litter box or in the cattle field.

The first and most obvious reason why a dog eats other animals’ poop is because they like it. Their taste buds aren’t as refined as yours and most of the time edible means it smells good and has a nice texture. While you may disagree, you need to view this from your dog’s perspective.

Most animals do not fully process their food; many of the nutrients will pass through the system and come out in your stool. Herbivores are particularly prone to this and dogs will find cow patties and horse manure naturally very nutritious.

In some cases, this is simply a learned behavior or habit. Puppies are like little children who investigate the world with their mouths. At a young age, they can start eating poop and just develop a bad habit. The best solution is to quickly clean up the feces before your four-legged friend can find them!

Dogs generally will not eat their own feces, as most indoor pet owners attest, however if they do, they may need to be checked by your vet for parasites and other digestive issues. If the problem persists, some vets recommend feeding them fresh pineapple, the fruit makes their poop unpleasant.

You will probably always find your dog’s poop eating habit quite unpleasant, especially if he wants to love you afterwards. However, there is usually nothing to worry about and some puppies will outgrow the behavior.

Author: admin

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