Writing a Comedy Skit at Church – How to Create Funny Characters

A skit comedy can be used effectively in church worship services to communicate biblical truth. And you don’t have to be a professional writer or actor to create funny characters and humorous drama that is entertaining, but still has a powerful spiritual impact on your church congregation. Although I work professionally as a freelance writer, I have also been writing religious dramas for over 20 years. Here are some parody writing techniques I use to create funny characters and humorous church dramas.

Build church theater characters around your actors

A Hollywood script creates a character and then the director finds an actor to play that role. But that’s Hollywood. And those actors are professionals. They are dedicated to learning how to play a variety of characters.

The actors of the parody of the church are mostly amateurs. That doesn’t mean they don’t have talent. But they won’t be as versatile as a pro. So instead of making them fit a part of your sketch, fit the part of the skit to them. In other words, write the part to complement your personality and natural talents. If your actor is naturally outgoing, make his parody character gregarious. If they are thoughtful and analytical in real life, make your parody character the same way. If they’ve shown talent, like a French accent or an Elvis impersonation, work it into the skit. By building the characters of your drama around the real personalities and talents of your actors, you create a part that is easier for them to play naturally and a character that the church audience will enjoy.

Make use of stereotypes

A 3-5 minute skit doesn’t give you enough time to do much character development. Therefore, the use of common stereotypes makes it easier for the actors to assume a role and for the church audience to understand the essence of the character.

or the dumb blonde
o The computer geek
o The cold-hearted athlete
o The power-hungry executive

These are all familiar characters that are easy for the actors to play and easy to fashion into a humorous parody. When you think of the funny characters in the movies and sitcoms you’ve seen, they’re often based on a stereotype. I am sure that while you write your skit, you will think of many others.


Don’t make the blonde in your church a little silly. Make it really dumb. Your cold-hearted athlete, completely oblivious to any life outside of sport. The computer geek unable to hold a conversation with a real human being. Someone who is not only afraid of heights, but is paralyzed with fear on the second rung of a ladder. The more you exaggerate, the funnier it will be, and the less likely the skit actor will look like a real person in church.


Even a person in your church with minimal acting ability will make your church audience laugh just by putting them in a parody character that is the opposite of who they are in real life. And you may be surprised by the willingness of that person, not only to accept the role, but also to do it on stage.

Is there a solemn usher who always wears a suit to church? Give him a long wig and a rock band outfit. Let the pastor of the children of him play a bratty and spoiled child. Your most talented vocalist plays an American Idol contestant who sings off key. By using familiar people in your church with known traits and talents and putting them in a role that is the complete opposite of who they are in real life, you create instant humor for any play.

By using these techniques when writing your play, you will more effectively use your actors to create a comedy that your church audience will appreciate, but will still communicate your message effectively.

Author: admin

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