Your cat constantly meows: 7 reasons why

Stress, old age, or even hunger can cause your cat to exercise her vocal cords more often than you can handle.

I know that all cat owners have experienced excessive meowing from their feline friends from time to time. Sometimes it is really difficult to understand why exactly the cat is meowing so constantly. Here are some reasons why cats constantly meow.

Reasons behind the constant meowing of the cat

1. Your cat just needs attention

Your cat will need your attention when he is bored or when he wants a playmate. Don’t respond every time your cat meows; instead, you should pay attention when you stop meowing. If he keeps meowing continuously, just walk away for a while until he calms down.

You should only stay away if the cat is meowing excessively. However, make sure to spend quality time with your kitty every day. Play with him to make sure the cat has exercised, which is crucial to its well-being. Reward your cat when he is calm and ignore him when he meows constantly.

2. Disease

Cats also meow excessively when they try to tell you that they are sick. Remember that meowing is one of the ways cats communicate with their owners. Although cats can be good at hiding ailments, excessive meowing without any interest in food is sufficient warning of an illness that needs attention.

Excessive meowing can be a warning sign of kidney disease, urination problems, thyroid, or other cat-related health problems. If your cat has just developed the behavior, it is worth going to the vet.

3. Hunger

Some cats will meow for food-related reasons. When the food in the bowl is empty, your cat will let you know and not in a ‘cold’ way. Make sure your cat soaks his food frequently, and sometimes you may surprise him with canned food.

Make sure the cat gets enough food at the correct intervals. Also, make sure your water bowl is full.

Do not miss

4. Stress

New animals, new people, changes in the home, and many other things can put stress on your cat.

When your cat meows continuously during these changes, it could simply mean “I’m sure I’m mad at you” or “I don’t like this at all.”

Obviously, your cat will not dictate his dislikes to you. It is up to you to recognize the new changes and the effect they have on your feline companion. When you bring a new animal into your home, socialize the new pet and your cat to eliminate behavior problems.

5. Confusion of old age

Like humans, cats can become confused or forgetful in old age.

Disorientation is common and your cat may meow frequently due to confusion and frustration. If your cat continuously meows or bumps into things at night, leave the light on all night. You can also visit a vet for more checkups.

Take a look at the range of noises this little meowing machine makes: Video

6. The cat is in heat

Cats suddenly become very vocal when they are in heat. They meow excessively to attract males. Also, males get noisy when they detect a female cat nearby.

Save yourself and your feline companions from this problem by having your cat neutered or spayed.

7. The cat just wants to say hi.

Sometimes your kitty may be meowing just to say ‘hi’ to you. Is that.

Caution: don’t yell at your cat for excessive meowing

Try to calm your cat if the meows become worrisome when interacting with him. Scolding your cat for constantly meowing can lead to insecurity and fear, which could interfere with your relationship with him.

Author: admin

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