3 Dirty Psychological Tricks To Get Your Ex Girl Back – Top Tips To Get Your Ex Girl Back

Right now, there is only one question flowing into your mind. How can I get my ex girlfriend back so I can stop the pain of the breakup? Keep in mind that most men do not understand the thought process of women. Sure every woman is different but they act the same way. And your girlfriend is no exception. In the next five minutes you will learn three psychological tricks to get your ex back.

Get your life back

The most common reason most men are losing a lot of credibility is because they are completely getting carried away. Instead of drinking or eating a lot of fast food, take full control of your life. Play sports, learn a new language and dress up successfully. Make sure she knows that your life goes on even without her.

No, this is probably not really true, but it is important that she has that feeling. Keep in mind that no girl or woman wants to be around a guy who has low self-esteem or is very insecure.

There is no contact rule to get your ex back

The no contact rule has become very popular these days to get your ex girlfriend back and it works like clockwork. However, most men still do not know that this exists or know about it, but are afraid to use it in real life.

The no contact rule is a rule that must be followed at all costs. The only way to get your ex back is to re-create attraction in his mind. If you play like most people and constantly call or text her, she will see you as a stalker. On the other hand, if you don’t initiate contact with her, she will see you as a strong person.

Keep in mind that it is okay to pick up the phone if your ex is contacting you. However, if he does contact you, you can reply, but there are rules on how to play. The situation is too important to make mistakes. One of them is never mentioning the breakup in your conversations.

Starts dating other women

Dating other women is a sure way to move on with your life even without her. It gives her the feeling that your life goes on even without her. But on the other hand, it’s a stupidly proven method of boosting self-confidence.

You may be afraid to try this trick or you may not know many women. If this is the case, date as many friends as you can. That’s right, be as socially active as you can. Have fun with your friends but don’t drink. Well, a drink or two is fine, but if you end up drunk she will know. On the other hand, if you act and behave like the funny cool guy, she will know it too.

Keep in mind that there are also other psychological tricks to get your ex back. It is generally safe to use the tips above. But as soon as you play it this way, you will mess up your changes to get it back.

Author: admin

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