5 Great Tips for Using White Eyeliner

Many people have seen white eyeliner in stores but never bought it because they didn’t know how to use it. They assume that it is not used as a normal cosmetic liner due to its unconventional color. Actually, white eyeliner can be used in many interesting ways.

If you want to take advantage of this beautiful eyeliner, then you will benefit from these tips:

  1. Line your eyes as you normally would. Like black, brown, or gray eyeliner, you can use a white eyeliner to highlight your eye on both the upper and lower lids. However, this does give it a very noticeable cosmetic look, so it’s best left to the brave.
  2. For brighter, larger eyes, line the lower lid only. When doing normal makeup, even with black eyeliner on the upper eyelid, add a bit of white to the inside of the lower eyelid. This will be barely noticeable and will add a bit of sparkle to your eyes.
  3. Layered eyeliners for an interesting effect. You can create a new look by first lining your eyes with a thick white eyeliner, then revising it with a thinner, darker color, such as black or blue. This brightens your eye while keeping it looking relatively normal and safe for work.
  4. Change your white eyeliner to a different shade with eyeshadow. All you do is sprinkle a bit of a different, shimmery eyeshadow color over your white eyeliner. Then, brush the eyelid with a clean round brush. The shadow on the lid will lighten, but your old white eyeliner will now be tinted with the color you added. This means that you can have any eyeliner color as long as you have white and various shades of shadow.
  5. For extra shine and eye enhancement, apply white eyeliner to the inner corner of the eye. Lining the upper and lower lids from the inner corner of the eye to about half an inch will add a real touch to your eyes without changing your appearance too much. Your eyes will look brighter and you’ll look more awake and ready to go.

With these techniques, you should be able to wear white colored eyeliner like a pro. Not only will you get a great makeup look, but you’ll also have some clever ways to make your eyes look bigger and brighter.

Choosing the Right White Eyeliner

Wondering which eyeliners are the best? With so much on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one. Follow these tips to get the best white eyeliner available.

  • Choose a retractable gel eyeliner. Not only will you give up sharpness, but this type of eyeliner is easier and smoother than regular pencils or liquid eyeliner.
  • The price does not always matter. Although expensive brands have a reputation, you can often find inexpensive protectors that work just as well.
  • Experiment with what you buy. It may take a few marks before you find the perfect white eyeliner for you.

Now you know exactly how to buy your white eyeliner and what to do with it when you take it home.

Author: admin

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