Advantages and disadvantages of granite countertop

The granite countertop is famous among homeowners and interior designers. These have an essential beauty and style. These have a resistance to damage and a long-lasting quality. They are the popular choice for both kitchens and bathrooms. Since these were rare and difficult to cut, they were very expensive. But with the new machinery and technologies the prices of granite have come down. These have natural strength and increased durability. Granite is seen with more than 2000 varieties with different colors and patterns. Granite should be properly cared for even if it has a natural resistance. If not, you will find cracks and stains in the granite very soon. Marble is also seen in countertops, but granite has more advantages than marble countertops. These are more popular because they enhance the room and go with any type of design.

Installing granite for countertops is not as difficult as installing other stones. But you need to be very careful during the installation. The measurement of the countertop plays an important role during installation. If the measurement is not taken correctly, you will find a seam that will reflect the color and pattern of the granite. There is a chance that they will crack if you do not put granite on your kitchen counter. These can be easily removed and installed on countertops. These have a power of resistance to stains and heat because this granite is made up of heat. Granite countertops contain more merits like long life and durability. These provide excellent and efficient service to the owners. This granite has merits and demerits for installing on countertops.

Granite Countertop Advantages:

These are the most preferred countertops for the home. These have been used for millions of years with a hard and impermeable surface. These are very strong and cannot damage granite by placing hot things on it and dropping objects on it. But these are not recommended because there is a risk of damaging the surface. These are profitable and retain value. These are available in thousands of shades and patterns that will add a class to the home. You can make cake batter on the surface, which is really cool. You will find that all granite has unique properties and the color of the granite will never fade. These are known as durable stones that do not easily crack or scratch. These have a quality of resisting stains and heat. These can complement your kitchen with any style of wood cabinets.

Disadvantages of granite countertops:

You will find only a few cons to granite countertops. First is the small seam that can form during installation time. So installing granite is a big deal. The pattern and color of the granite may differ if again it is not installed correctly. Since these are one of the strongest stones, they are also heavy.

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